In general, when a claimant files a claim for unemployment benefits, a weekly benefit amount (WBA) for that individual is determined using the amount of wages in the claimant’s work history. Last names beginning with letters A-M: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:30am – 6pm. After nearly a week of delays, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill, H.R. The unemployment rate increased over-the-year in all metro areas. However, the fact that all schools statewide have temporarily closed in response to the COVID-19 virus presents a unique situation in which it is unlikely a parent whose child cannot stay home alone has a ready alternative to staying home with the child himself/herself. 133, on Sunday, December 27. You can elect to have deductions taken out at the time you file your claim or after. The individual must quit his or her job as a direct result of COVID-19; or. If you lived in another state but commuted to work in Illinois, if otherwise eligible, you would receive the amount of EB triggered “on” in Illinois. Individuals with green cards issued by the federal government are generally able and available to work, and they could be eligible for unemployment benefits. However, initial applications for PUA that are filed after December 27, 2020 may not be backdated earlier than December 1, 2020. Since $6,000 is more than 1-1/2 times $3,000.00 ($4,500), they would meet the eligibility requirement for EB. Learn more about the certification process. Micropolitan Statistical Areas. In most cases, the person would qualify for benefits under the regular state program but at a substantially lower weekly benefit amount. If you were unable to file your claim because of capacity or system limitations, you will have an opportunity to discuss backdating your claim with a representative by calling 800-244-5631. You cannot claim your spouse if your spouse is also receiving unemployment benefits. Therefore, you should not include income from your self-employment when applying for regular UI benefits. The letter you receive from IDES explains the appeal process. How unemployment works in Illinois . My Tax Illinois. Protests must be postmarked or faxed by the due date indicated on the Notice of Claim. This would likely result in increased unemployment tax rates in future years for all employers because the entire pool of employers would need to be tasked with replenishing the benefit trust fund. Under normal conditions, an individual making claim for EB must make a more intense “systematic and sustained” effort to find work. Even if an individual’s employer does not consider the worker to be covered and doesn’t pay unemployment taxes on the individual’s wages, the individual can qualify for regular UI benefits if IDES determines he or she is covered under Illinois law. Filing New Applications for PUA - Individuals filing a new PUA application on or after January 31, 2021 (regardless of whether the claim is backdated), are required to provide documentation within 21 days of application or the date the individual is directed to submit the documentation by IDES , whichever is later. (Please Print or Type) *Are you on break from school, attending school or enrolled in a training program? Once you have certified, it will be determined if you are eligible to receive benefits based on the answers you provided. For PUA, you can sign into your account and view your payment history by clicking on "Manage Claimant Account" then clicking on "Payment History.". When Illinois is in a period of “high” unemployment as defined by the law, the maximum EB payable is 20 times your weekly benefit amount plus dependent allowance, if any. The individual is unable to reach the place of employment because the individual has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19. IDES is working with federal partners to implement the new federal Covid-19 relief package recently signed into law. The State Dislocated Worker Unit coordinates with Updates will be made to the IDES webpage and social media sites as soon as they become available. The state of Illinois has laid down certain conditions that prospective applicants need to fulfill in order to gain eligibility to obtain unemployment benefits in Illinois. An individual in any of those situations would be unemployed through no fault of his or her own. At this time, the law has not been changed to give employers extra time for filing monthly or quarterly wage reports. House Republicans are continuing to criticize the Pritzker administration as the Illinois Department of Employment Support works through ongoing staffing and fraud issues related to … Second, the PUA program has been established for individuals who are unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work for reasons attributable to COVID-19 and not covered by the state’s regular UI program. After exhaustion of EB, if benefits are still available, the claimant can return to PEUC. Money received from your employer for using your vacation and sick days, as well as FMLA payments, are considered wages and will be taken into account to determine if you are eligible for benefits and, if so, the amount of the benefits. For a regular UI claim, you can sign into your online account and click "Individual." Under the new Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020, beginning with the week ending January 2, 2021, someone who earned a combination of income from a traditional job and had earnings of at least $5,000 during the applicable period as an independent contractor might be eligible for a $100 supplemental payment in addition to their regular UI benefit, extended benefits (EB) and federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC). IDES offices are closed to the public until further notice. There is an additional requirement for EB. Illinois Relay - (800) 526-0844 TTY or 711 | (800) 526-0857 Voice or TTY  or 711. Yes, for the duration of the FPUC program. You will be assigned a certification day; either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and will be asked questions pertaining to the two weeks immediately preceding. The number of nonfarm jobs decreased over-the-year in all fourteen Illinois metropolitan areas in November, according to preliminary data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). In most cases, if you qualify, you will be automatically moved to this program. If you receive a notice after the due date, please indicate that on your response, return your response as soon as possible, and keep the envelope. If you suffer from hearing impairment, dial the TYY line 1-866-366-0004 to receive unemployment insurance services. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) was created to help people who lose this type of work as a direct result of the current public health emergency. If your income exceeds your weekly benefit amount, then you would not be eligible for benefits for any such week. A member of the individual’s household has been diagnosed with COVID-19. You only receive a payment for each week you file a weekly claims certification with the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). This exception applies to workers temporarily laid off due to the COVID-19 outbreak. It should be noted, however, at least one of the identified COVID-19 related reasons specified in the CARES Act must apply to the individual for each week of unemployment in order to be eligible for PUA. Normally, an individual is required to register with Illinois Job Link to be eligible for unemployment benefits, but there are exceptions to this requirement, including where local labor market conditions indicate employment service registration would not increase the likelihood of returning to work. The best way to certify for payment of benefits is online. The maximum extension for filing a quarterly wage report is 30 days. If you are eligible to receive benefits, generally you will receive a payment within 2 to 3 business days. The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today that it remains committed to implementing newly announced federal unemployment benefits and relief measures as quickly and effectively as possible. You cannot claim both your spouse and your child as a dependent. IDES and state unemployment agencies nationwide await further U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) guidance to begin supporting claimants and are urging federal authorities to not create further hardship as a result of the president’s inaction. Updates will be made to the IDES webpage and social media sites as soon as they become available. Copyright © 2020 Illinois Department of Employment Security, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) by Individuals, State Informati​on Data Exchange System ​(SIDES), Employer Frequently Used Forms and Publications, Employee Misclassification Hurts Businesses and Employees, Back to Business: Resources for Starting a Small Business, ​Licensed, Certified and Registered Occupations. No. Yes, if your earnings are less than your weekly benefit amount (WBA), you may be eligible for all or partial benefits. If a claimant receives more than his or her WBA for a given week, they are not considered to be unemployed and are not eligible for benefits. The best way to complete your certification is online from 3:00am – 7:30pm on your designated certification day, or on Thursdays or Fridays, including holidays. All local and regional IDES offices are closed to the public until such time as the Governor lifts the stay at home directive. You may also you certify on your regular day in the following week (or Thursday or Friday of the following week). Yes. The minimum allowance for a dependent spouse is $15; the maximum allowance is $93. Certifying is a process that first occurs two weeks after you have filed your claim. No, but if the employees become unemployed because of COVID-19 issues, they could be eligible for benefits under the federal stimulus legislation. PUA provides up to 50 (possibly 57 in certain circumstances) weeks of benefits to qualifying individuals who are otherwise able to work and available for work, except that they are unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work due to one of the COVID-19 related reasons listed in the CARES Act and stated below: Any individual that receives a payment of PUA after December 27, 2020 is required to provide documentation substantiating employment or self-employment, (e.g. The individual has become the breadwinner or major support for a household because the head of the household has died as a direct result of COVID-19. Yes. The first week for which FPUC may be paid is the week ending January 2, 2021; and the last week that FPUC may be paid is the week ending March 13, 2021. An individual generally has a duty to make a reasonable effort to work with his or her employer to resolve whatever issues have caused the individual to consider quitting. Those with last names beginning with letters A-M: Sundays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays. Some of these … The individual is providing care for a family member or a member of the individual’s household who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. A claimant must meet all other requirements, including certifying that he or she is able and available for work, among others, to receive benefits. Continue to certify as normal for the unemployment benefit you are currently receiving. The deadline for providing such documentation depends on when the individual filed the initial PUA claim. No. If the pension was paid by an employer in your base period or if the employer is the chargeable employer on your claim, those pension payments are considered disqualifying income and 50% of the amount you receive may be deducted from your weekly benefit amount (WBA) if you paid into the pension, or 100% will be deducted if your employer paid the full amount. Illinois unemployment benefit payments are distributed on a biweekly basis through direct deposit or a prepaid debit card. The debit card is mailed soon after the claim is filed and processed. For more information, visit 9/2018 Unemployment insurance benefits are subject to State and Federal income taxes. If the “high” unemployment period would trigger “off”, the maximum amount would be 13 weeks of EB plus any dependent allowance. The majority of eligible claimants will automatically be moved to EB. You cannot elect deductions on a payment you have already been paid. After nearly a week of delays, President Trump signed the omnibus spending bill, H.R. A weekly benefit amount will be determined based on the amount of your past income. To establish eligibility under the PUA program, the claimant will have to demonstrate he/she is not eligible under the regular UI program. CLI001F Page 1 of 5 SN 4227 Rev. Counties. Your employment history from the past 18 months, including the name of employers, start date, last day of work, and number of days worked, If you are claiming a dependent child or a dependent spouse, you will need to provide your dependent’s name, social security number and date of birth, Your Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA), which is the amount you are eligible to receive each week, Other information pertinent to your claim, including your Maximum Benefit Allowance, the total amount you are eligible to receive during your benefit year (26 times your WBA). Here’s a quick overview of how the unemployment insurance process works in Illinois. Rapid Response Services for Businesses or contact your local Illinois workNet Center. There is a new limitation on backdating. The telephone number is 800-244-5631. In general, individuals who are not lawfully permitted to work in the United States are not able and available to work, and therefore, they are not eligible for regular State unemployment benefits or benefits under the federal stimulus legislation. The individual would be considered able and available for work if there was some work that he or she could perform from home (e.g., transcribing, data entry, virtual assistant services) and there is a labor market for that work. However, employers are reminded that they can file a written request with the Director prior to the wage report filing due date to ask for an extension to file the wage report. Cities. Combined Statistical Areas. The application will time out after an hour of nonuse: After your claim is filed, IDES will send you a UI Finding letter, which will let you know if you are eligible for benefits. Anyone who receives at least $1 of unemployment benefits for a week, during the period after December 26, 2020 and before March 14, 2021. No. He or she would be actively seeking work as long as the individual was prepared to return to his or her job as soon the employer reopened. For example: This person’s highest quarter wages are $3,000. Yes. One way to look for work is IDES’s Illinois Job Link (IJL) website, which is an employment service tool used to enhance an individual’s ability to obtain employment. Whether the payment is disqualifying for unemployment purposes depends on the type of payment, when it was paid, and when IDES is notified of the payment. On that page is "Payment Information" with a "View Payment History" link (which is the second selection). If an individual has exhausted benefits and is no longer certifying, IDES will determine eligibility, notify the claimant, and the claimant can begin to certify, if unemployed and otherwise eligible, beginning with the week ending January 2, 2021. The $300 benefit begins after December 26, 2020 and ends on March 13, 2021. FPUC provides an additional $300 per week in supplemental benefits to eligible claimants. In order to protect everyone through social distancing, You can apply online, by phone, or at an office during the first week you become unemployed. Under emergency rules IDES recently adopted, the individual would not have to register with the employment service. Illinois Unemployment Benefits Eligibility Criteria. IDES will begin paying out the $300 FPUC benefit for all programs beginning January 4, 2021. For weeks of unemployment beginning on or after December 27, 2020, the individual may receive an additional amount of PEUC equal to 11 times the individual’s average WBA for an overall total equal to 24 times the individual’s WBA. If it has been more than 18 months since you worked for the employer, the pension you are paid is not disqualifying income and will not be deducted from your benefits. Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) is a temporary program that provides up to 24 weeks of benefits to individuals who have exhausted all rights to regular UI with respect to a benefit year that ends on or after July 1, 2019. Under the current circumstances, someone who left work to care for the child could be considered as unemployed through no fault of his her own; in that case, to qualify for UI, the individual would still need to meet all other eligibility requirements, including the requirements that the individual be able and available for work, registered with the state employment service and actively seeking work from the confines of his or her home. For two reasons, in Illinois, every individual who is unemployed or underemployed should file a claim for unemployment benefits, even if they have been told they're not covered by the state’s regular unemployment insurance program - because they’re an independent contractor, part of the “gig economy,” or for some other reason. If you have already received 13 weeks, or if the unemployment rate falls below the triggers for EB to be active, no further benefits will be available to you unless you qualify for a new, regular UI claim or if you qualify for PEUC (see above). However, an individual who is discharged for misconduct is not unemployed due to a COVID-19 reason and would not qualify for PUA benefits. You can reach the customer line from Monday to Friday, from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. Under federal law, this person must receive state benefits if they qualify, even though the benefit is lower. The eligibility of an individual in this situation will depend on whether the facts of his or her case demonstrate the individual had a good reason for quitting and that the reason was attributable to the employer. At that point, if you have already received 13 weeks of EB, you would not be eligible for any more EB, even if you did not collect the full 20 times amount. You may be eligible for regular unemployment insurance, as a “1099 employee” is not synonymous with “independent contractor” as defined by the Unemployment Insurance Act. (includes current, previous and year ago monthly unemployment rates for State, U.S., Metropolitan Areas, Counties, Cities, Micropolitan Areas, Combined Areas, Local Workforce Areas and Economic Development Regions) Illinois, U.S. & Metro Areas. An individual is actively seeking work if he or she is making an effort that is reasonably calculated to return the individual to work. However, the actual implementation of this program in Illinois may take some time. This is called your gross income. The individual has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and is seeking a medical diagnosis. 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