[28] And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. Two words meant to go together: Christmas and Miracle. The first stepped forward, said his line, and presented the gold. Sermon Luke 1:35-45 With God Nothing Is Impossible. 2. The matter of His body was of the very flesh and blood of the virgin, otherwise He could not haw been the Son of David, of Abraham, and Adam, according to the flesh. Amongst all its defacement of the truth of Christ, this is perhaps the plainest and one of the most hideous features of Roman superstition. To open this a little three things are to be considered here. Faith is also a key to all the other gifts and it is not an easy one for us to receive. IV. (2) we take our share in the furtherance of his mission of mercy. Dr. Luke declares with "cool objectivity" the historical fact that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. And then the angel gives Mary a confirmation of that his message is from God. let it be with me according to your Word.”. 2. HIS MINISTRY - Philemon 1:24. Children’s Sermons He graduated from Calvin College and Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan and went to California to start a church. We can become the people God wants us to be. Jesus Christ, in the very act in which he redeems us from the penalty and power of sin, restores us to God - to his Divine favor, his likeness, his service. That He had reasonable soul, which was a created spirit, and that the Divine nature was not instead of a soul to Him. Great and large as Mary's expectations for her promised Child may have very justly been, they can have been nothing to the fulfillment of the angel's words. Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. In its extent. But next it falls under the same condemnation, because it is not the old truth held from the beginning, but a new proposition, which was not received by the primitive Church. For in answer to this, we assert not only that there is no evidence for it, but that the voice of catholic antiquity distinctly contradicts such a supposition. 3. When someone tells you that, you are not sure which you wish to hear first. GRACE TO YOU AND PEACE Hymn Lists, The angel said to Mary, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:34 Luke 1:36 Luke 1:35. How could God become a man? The mother of the Redeemer herself, otherwise than by redemption, is not loosed from the bond of that ancient sin." But His mother as man was Mary. The greatest gift of all is faith in the Lord Jesus. For this, so far from implying, even at that late period, the implicit holding of the doctrine which is here insinuated, actually provides a special prohibition to guard against any being led by the fact of the festival to condemn those who deny the immaculate conception, "because the matter has not been decided by the Apostolic See." Luke 6:12-23 Jesus Chooses The 12 Apostles / Sermon On The Mount, Part #1; Luke 6:24-36 Sermon On The Mount, Part #2; Luke 6:37-49 Sermon On The Mount, Part #3; Luke 7:1-23 Healing Of Centurion's Slave / Raising Of Widow's Son / Delegation Sent To Jesus From John The Baptist And then, further, if that nature which He thus took in the womb of His virgin mother was not that which she, like others, inherited from Adam, but one made by God's creative power to exist under new conditions of original purity, how can we say that He indeed took from her our very nature? . It is to protest anew against this monstrous effort to corrupt, by man's additions, the revealed truth of God. "Let no man," says the decree, "interfere with this our declaration, pronunciation, and definition, or oppose or contradict it with presumptuous rashness. called the Son of the Most High.” This means that when God broke into the universe the person he became was both divine and human. It is impossible that the Majesty of the Divinity can receive any alteration; and it is as impossible that the meanness of the humanity can receive the impression of the Deity, so as to be changed into it, and a creature be metamorphosed into the Creator, and temporary flesh become eternal, and finite mount up into infinite. (2) He tells the virgin, that therefore, seeing that child to be thus conceived, he should be called, that is, owned to be, "the Son of God." V. we object, not only to any introduction of a new dogma, but we object also in particular to this as, to say the least, HAVING DIRECT TENDENCIES TO HERESY. What it can not tell us is that the virgin birth of Jesus did not occur. The only homage which is acceptable to its King is the homage of the heart, the only tribute the tribute of affection, the only obedience the obedience of love. I come now to show WHAT WE ARE TO UNDERSTAND BY CHRIST'S BEING CONCEIVED BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST IN THE WOMB OF THE VIRGIN MARY. The properties of either nature are preserved entire. Again, He assumed our nature with all its sinless infirmities: therefore it is said of Him (Hebrews 2:17), "In all things it behoved Him to be made like unto His brethren." He visited one wealthy family and saw to his dismay that the Son of God had no abiding place in the home. The conventional wisdom of church leaders continued to say he built in the worst possible place for a church since it was surrounded by freeways and almost in the shadow of Disneyland. Then, again, THERE IS THE SEPARATION OF PROVIDENTIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. (John 6:62). It does so: 1. Was it not ordered by some peculiar providence of God, that the two great branches of the primitive Church, the Hebrew congregations for which St. Matthew wrote, and the Greek congregations for which St. Luke wrote, should find an express record of the miraculous conception each in its proper Gospel? "The Church," it declares, "has never ceased to lay down this doctrine, and to cherish and to illustrate it continually by numerous proofs, and more and more daily by splendid facts. 2. So that when His soul was expired, and His body interred, both soul and body were still united to the second person as much as ever. (3) Nor yet is this such a mystical union as is between Christ and believers. Here, then, we have(1) an admission that, for the validity of the decree, it must be possible to assert that it is the ancient truth which it enacts; and next(2) the rest pretended proof which can be given that the doctrine was thus held of old. By which illustrious act she pointed out the conception of the Virgin as singular, wonderful, and very far removed from the origins of the rest of mankind, and to be venerated as entirely holy; since the Church celebrates festival-days only of the saints." Thus we may be thoroughly satisfied —. Because of his training as a doctor, he had a great mind for order, detail and precision. What good advice for all of us in our times of trouble and discouragement, to look to Jesus and not ourselves, to concentrate on the Lord rather than our problems! Again, though "the Word was made flesh," yet it was without any confusion of the natures, or change of the one into the other: which was the heresy of the Eutychians of old, who so confounded the two natures in the person of Christ, that they denied all distinction between them. The fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Christ. There can be no mistake as to this matter. First, then, we object to it as the unlawful addition of a new article to the Creed. God Keeps Loving Jerusalem. Following our text for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we hear the Canticles of praise to God: The Magnificat of Mary (1:46-55) The Benedictus of Zechariah (1:67-79) … Continue reading "Commentary on Luke 1:26-38" Again, as it was produced miraculously, so it was assumed integrally; that is to say, Christ took a complete and perfect soul and body, with all and every faculty and member pertaining to it. There is a change indeed made in the humanity, by its being advanced to a more excellent union, but not in the Deity; as a change is made in the air when it is enlightened by the sun, not in the sun which communicates that brightness to the air. '” (NASU) Gabriel’s answer is recorded in verse 35. What seems impossible is not so with God – with God there are unlimited possibilities and all we need is the faith to accept and receive what God has to offer. God makes all things possible. ––Copyright 2003, James Kegel. This was a glorious instance of the power of the Highest. 4. 5. God can come into this congregation and use the resources here to build up the body of Christ. How can we henceforth go out into the world and deny Him, and not rather there own Him gladly, by proved obedience to His manifested will? The actions and passions of His life show that He had true flesh. It is righteous. And he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse” (Mal. Its the Gospel According to Luke - 205 pages; SERMON BIBLE COMMENTARY. Read verse in New International Version Impossibilities can happen. Carol Service Sermon: Luke 1:35 Just Like His Dad The assembly hall was full, the mums and dads were waiting for the performance, and the primary school nativity was underway. George Whitfield was a powerful preacher of repentance in England and America in the eighteenth century. Think of the Christmas story. For the kingdom of Christ. II. Hence Basil says, Christ was conceived, not of the substance, but by the power, not by any generation, but by appointment and benediction of the Holy Ghost. He could not have been our Redeemer, had He not been so (Hebrews 7:26). Scripture: Luke 1:1–2:52. Wesley's Notes for Luke 1:35. Luke 1:35. "He, therefore," says the great , "alone who was at once made Man and remained God, had never any sin, nor took a flesh of sin, although tie came from a maternal flesh of sin. He added the largest pipe organ. Luke 1:35(NASB) Verse Thoughts The angel Gabriel visited the young Mary of Nazareth to inform her of God's gracious favour towards her, for she had been chosen to give birth to the long awaited, promised Messiah, Who was to sit on the throne of His father David, to reign over the house of Jacob for ever - and His kingdom was to be an everlasting Kingdom. I want to mention three especially. (1) To fit it for personal union with the Word, who, out of His infinite love, humbled Himself to become flesh, and at the same time out of His infinite purity, could not defile Himself by becoming sinful flesh. Introduction; Luke 1; CHARLES SIMEON. Let us consider the sanctifying of Christ's human nature. Christ assumed all, to sanctify all. She was also of the family of David, as appears by her genealogy (Luke 3. FROM GOD OUR FATHER FOR WITH GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. II. King James Version (KJV) Public Domain. If there have been billions and billions of children born and non of them was conceived by virgins, then science can tell us that it is most improbably that the Virgin Mary did conceive. I proceed to show that CHRIST WAS TRUE MAN. I want to be In the shadow of your wings, longs the psalmist (Psalm 17:8 and 63:7). Love melts. See here the wonderful love and astonishing condescendency of the Son, to be born of a woman, in order that He might die in the room of sinners. And now, if we try this newly-propounded article by these conditions, we shall be able to prove its unlawfulness. No river bounds it; no mountain, no sea; it reaches the whole world round. Apr 8, 2013. The angel replied, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. without any exception. Negatively considered. Luke 1:35 As Luke writes of this conversation, he mentions the Holy Spirit just as he did earlier in verse 15 and as he does six more times in his first two chapters: (1:41, 67, 80, 2:25, 26, 27). He says to Mary: Accepting and abiding in the Savior, we dwell in the sunshine of God's everlasting friendship; we grow up into his perfect image; we spend our days and our powers under his direction. That Christ was to be born of a virgin, was prophesied and foretold many ages before His incarnation, as Isaiah 7:14. One was six months along; the other, newly pregnant. But once more, and above all; since the canon of Holy Scripture was complete, No DECLARATION OF DOCTRINE COULD EVER BE INSERTED IN THE CREEDS, WHICH COULD NOT BE SHOWN TO ACCORD WITH THAT WRITTEN WORD OF GOD. (2) With respect to the end of His incarnation, even the redemption and salvation of lost sinners; that as the first Adam was the fountain of our impurity, so the second Adam should also be the pure fountain of our righteousness. It implies —. December 22 & 23, 2012, The Fourth Sunday of Advent. Luke 1:26-38 (ESV) In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, [27] to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. Luke has carefully slipped us another messianic designation of Jesus. Now Sixtus IVth succeeded to the papacy almost at the close of the fifteenth century; so that this is the earliest act which the Pope can allege to prove his proposition, that "the Church has never ceased to lay down this doctrine." GET YOUR FOUR FREE SAMPLES! He put us under the guidance of the Spirit. ), and therefore Christ is called the Son of David, as the Messiah behoved to be. But though believers are said to be in Christ, and Christ in them, yet they arc not one person with Him. This teaching, therefore, points us not to Christ, but to Mary, as the well-head of our restored humanity; and thus does it directly shake the great doctrine of the incarnation. Luke 1:35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. And we know that in former days Puritanism did attempt something of the kind; but it ended in failure, as it was bound to do. Yea, He was with His Father from all eternity, before any of the creatures came out of the womb of nothing. 1. The fact that we read of Luke being so much with Paul in the Book of Acts is another indication that Luke was a dependable man. He shows what should follow on this miraculous conception, namely, that the fruit of her womb, the child she should bear, should be called "the Son of God." This Jesus is the Son of God who existed before His physical birth. - C. 1. She was, however, but a mean woman, the family of David being then reduced to a low outward condition in the world, having long before lost its flourishing state; so that our Lord "sprung up as a root out of a dry ground "(Isaiah 11:1, and Isaiah 53:2). Everything was going great until the arrival of the magi, the three kings. The Bible is a reliable witness of God and the Bible tells us that Jesus was conceived by a virgin. The very last words of the last book of the Old Testament read: “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. Christ as God had no mother, and as man no father. His Board of Trustees resigned, every last one of them, because they said it was impossible to fund such a large project. The sufferings of His body were indeed very great; it was filled with exquisite torture and pain; but His soul sufferings were much greater, as I observed in a former discourse. 1. Children's Sermon for Luke 13:31-35. How could a virgin conceive? But more positively, this assumption of which I speak is that whereby the second person in the glorious Godhead did take the human nature into a persons! That the Holy Ghost cannot be called the Father of Christ, since His human nature was formed, not of His substance, but of that of the Virgin, by His power. Many, we know, would like to have a definite law telling them what they may do and what they may not. The gospel of Luke is but one of four gospels, but it is surely one of the great books of the Bible. Luke was a Gentile, not a Jew, and he was a physician, a doctor. Only the finest materials, the finest design, went into the building. Then, again, THERE IS THE SEPARATION OF OBEDIENCE TO THE INNER LEADINGS OF THE SPIRIT, "We are not under the law, but under grace." It may be that even this temperament is a revelation of the will of God for you, and that by it he has separated you from much social joy and from many opportunities of exercising visibly holy influence, in order that you may be numbered with that hidden band whose ministry is the secret ministry of intercession rather than the ministry of open work. Luke 1:26-38 Luke 1:38 "I Am the Lord's Servant" Introduction "I've got good news and bad news." It is not only that Jesus Christ delivers us from the darkest curse; it is that he raises us to the loftiest heritage, by the salvation which he offers to our hearts. III. And when that "act" was wrought we may learn from a decree of Alexander VIIth, the earliest of his predecessors whom the Pope dares to quote by name, as having " protected and defended the conception as the true object of devotion." What is the great principle that rules conduct in the world? In the shadow of His Hand He concealed me, says the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 49 and 51:16). He that needed redemption himself could never have purchased redemption for us. Again, the sight of this evil surely enforces upon us another duty. Jesus the Son of God, the Son of Mary The Gospel Coalition 2013 National Conference. The Aim of Dr Luke Sunday Evening Message. I. The God who made this world broke into this world in a new way in the birth of his Son, our Savior. If any should presume to assail it, let him know that he will incur the indignation of the Omnipotent God, and of His blessed apostles Peter and Paul.". 3. But though Jesus Christ had two natures, yet not two persons, which was the error of Nestorius, who lived in the fourth century. THE DIGNITY AND POWER HE SHOULD ATTAIN. Having seen the importance of the doctrine of the miraculous conception as an article of our faith, let us, in the next place, consider THE SUFFICIENCY OF THE EVIDENCE BY WHICH THE FACT IS SUPPORTED. Then there are those who are called aside by sickness, those whom God in His wonderful way leads by constrainings that must be submitted to, to a separation not only from the world outside, but sometimes even from the family within. "A woman, when she is in travail, hath sorrow, because her hour is come" (John 16:21), yet He was born without sin, being "that holy thing." Christ is sensibly touched with all the infirmities that attend our frail nature, and has pity and compassion upon His people under all their pressures and burdens (Hebrews 2:17, 18). For it is not merely accidentally that it thus endangers our faith in the true incarnation of our Lord, and points our eyes from Him to His mother as the medium between God and us; but this dangerous delusion is a part, and the crowning part, of a whole system which really places on the Mediator's throne the virgin mother instead of the incarnate Son. He saves from sin. 1Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled[a] among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. It is assented to neither by the Eastern, nor by our own branch, of the universal Church. (2) They are not united physically, as the soul and body are united in a man: for death actually dissolves that union; but this is indissoluble. They – and we – need faith to receive the blessing of God, faith to see the miracles of God all around us, faith to make the impossible, possible for us. What great love to sinners, and what unparalleled condescension was here! For, first, it lacks the condition of the assent of the whole body of the faithful. Then Mary said, “Here I am the servant of the Lord; That the reason why Christ was born without sin, and the sin of Adam did not reach Him, was because He came not of Adam by ordinary generation, not by the blessing of marriage, but by a special promise after the fall.I shall conclude all with some INFERENCES. Indeed God might have created His body out of nothing, or have formed it of the dust of the ground, as He did the body of Adam, our original progenitor: but had He been thus extraordinarily formed, and not propagated from Adam, though He had been a man like one of us, yet He would not have ban of kin to us; because it would not have been a nature derived from Adam, the common parent of us all. Always think highly of the family. Before he left, Whitfield took a diamond ring and scratched on the windowpane of his room, “One thing thou lackest !” These four words pierced the heart of that family. What seemed impossible, God made possible for Dr. Schuller. Luke 1:35 . Our Saviour was therefore called " that holy thing " (Luke 1:35). He was to be One that would in the fullest sense partake of the Divine nature, be one in thought and in aim and in action with the Father (John 5:19, 23; John 8:28; John 10:30; John 14:10, 11). Ours with faith in the power of the whole world round the well-fed went away worried about the.. Girl of fourteen or fifteen would be the same as Mary ’ s promise 's easy that. Laws, but he should be produced a new article to the Creed must made! A first, we know, would like to have a definite law telling them what they may and! Cynicism and skepticism tell us is that the virgin therefore, on their showing anew... By her genealogy ( Luke 1: 35 ) Children ’ s sure promise has slipped. From his own substance a Christian man 's additions, the angel says to Mary: has... 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