Perhaps, try to talk to him and figure out what do you both want. He told a mutual friend he could see being with me for the rest of his life. Over the 9 months I stayed away he’d used three numbers, two Instagram accounts and a new Facebook to just get a reaction from me. And yet, thirty days of silence resulted in this text. Dear Zan. so my boyfriend broke up with me 2 days ago because he said he wasn’t happy anymore but we’re 15&16 and the last time we saw each other was on our 1 year which was 12/14/19 and it went good. However, there are moments where we will fight when we are together and he’ll drop me off at my house and we just don’t talk about our problems. He recognized how his actions affected other people and owned it. If this guy is your soulmate, there’s no way he can let you go. Each day is different, he’s like warm and cold, but sometimes will disappear all evening. Looking back on this conversation now, I wish that I had not responded to his text quite as quickly as I did but I got the reaction to the No Contact period that I was hoping for. I had also added him back on everything now I’m worried that I’m going to stay in the friend zone and he won’t realize what I really want because I rushed everything back. I was with a guy for a couple months. I’m so so sorry”. He is just trying to figure out where you went. If your Ex does not reach out at all do not panic. I craved his presence because I felt like For once, I had found the one. Unfortunately he lives in the same neighborhood. I’ve only spoken to two or three people about it and I said we’ve called it off… As much as I would love to say otherwise, I know it’s the right call at the moment. When I let him back he tried initially but went back to his old ways of being manipulative and changed his mind when I discussed that I had started meeting and talking to another guy who was treating me very well. he literaly ran when i gave him an opportunity for us to talk like adults then move on. Reply. We chatted for a week, first day he was lovely and then gradually he dropped into saying things about not talking again he wainting to date, giving me an ultimatum to decide or he will move on. If your ex-man is contacting you when he really doesn’t need to, it’s fair to say he likely does want you back. If he does not reach out it DOES NOT mean that he isn’t thinking about you. That’s all I need to know! Will he come back? 3 hours after he left I got a nasty email saying that his friend that helped him move is mad at me for accusing him of wrongdoings? It’s not for certain but you’ve got a better shot than the newbies for sure! True love will bring you back together in time. I split from first serious boyfriend when I was 21, after around 5 or 6 months he just called me one day and said can you come round. If you did that, they might come back to you because they are … Good News. He got his new job in another town far from where l stay, the last time l called he said he had missed me, he would want a date when he is in town, but he came … What do I do? Years after we reconnected and have always been in touch regardless of the distance. When I was in my twenties, I had a bad breakup and it took me 2 years to get over him. At one time or another in their lives every girl has chased a guy only to realize that this drove him away farther. He said he likes the girl and would love to have her as his girlfriend, that breaks me. I would be willing to bet anything that that girl he’s talking to, will soon be me. They may even wonder whether their ex-girlfriend will be able to take care of herself without the security of a man like them in her life. they were in relationship for 3 years and they broke up 3 months before he committed with me.After telling truth he felt bad about cheating me and said break up again..But still he is trying to be connected with me…what can I do now…I still love him but he is not accepting me but still he is missing me…will he come back to me again..plzz answer me..we are still talking to each other.. HELP! I told him that I wouldn’t accept it. He said over and over that he “needed” to be single. You finally got over your anger and rejection over the guy who ghosted you… and then he throws a curve ball your way by coming back to life and texting you weeks or months after he went AWOL. He came up with the issue just as I left ,we had a little misunderstanding about it, He got mad till today and has not replied my texts of yesterday, thought he’d reach out today but till now no call no text messages, is this a break up, what should I do, I’ve already apologized. Do you know the underlying cause? Only time I spoke with him is when he contacted me regarding giving me back money, send him my bank details and nothing else. Or he is not in love with me anymore? Hi Milky the first thing you need to do is go into a No Contact and work on yourself for a while. Of course, guys are naturally programmed to notice women. It’s hard to not text him when I really do love him. I did this to stop the cycle that had been ongoing for over a year where I felt undervalued even though I still care for him deeply. i had let go of him for less than 24 hours multiple times because of stupid fights but always came back. He bit my hand and ran away. But if, for the most part, they are positive and constructive, my bet is he wants to be your other half again. If you’re wondering, “Will he come back?” after a guy’s broken up with, yes, men always come back, and here are five reasons to consider before making a decision about getting back with an ex: 1. Me and my ex have been together for about 1 year and a half, we are still very young and this is our last year in high school, we broke up about 1 month ago. Not neutral. I’m a single mom and I’ve been dating this guy for 6months. He no longer reciprocated the strong feelings I had for him, even though he pursued me first. I admit it. Just look both ways before you cross the street because nobody wants a heart crushed twice by the same guy. came back late ' is the wordplay. ' You need to complete a 45 day NC and during that time work on yourself, assess the relationship to why you keep breaking up, what needs to be improved and what you can do to help.But if he spends the whole time not working on himself then the issues could repeat. I’m deeply hurt, but I appreciate your article and honesty. Because we men are creatures of habit and because we can’t let you women just move on, there’s a good chance that at some point we pop up and try to reinsert ourselves into your lives. Now that your Ex has realized you are ignoring him, has realized that his mean-nothing texts aren’t working, and has realized that he is afraid of actually losing you and not getting you back- he will take action. Once the coronavirus test came back positive, Krakower, a medical expert in child and adolescent psychiatry, prepared himself for two weeks of misery. Yes, no contact to get him back works because he’ll become curious about what you’re up to and become attracted to how happy you look. We argued until it became afight. Will the no contact period work for us and will he ever change? Hello…I broke up with my boyfriend about a month ago. If your ex is still single, there’s a reason and chances are that reason is you. The worst outcome is he already has another chick on the side and that’s why he’s been so sneaky. Seven months later. I kept it light and talked of our dog and that he had mail and things at apartment. This could look different depending on what type of personality your guy has. Every time he pushes you away and you force yourself back in it decreases your value and makes you seem a little more desperate. Its been a month and he doesn’t want to talk about any of this. He refuses to talk to me he’s very busy. I have been in a beautiful relantionship with my exboyfriend for 2 years. Continue to develop your health, wealth, and relationships and don’t be afraid to humbly flaunt your “new you”. Really”, “Why aren’t you texting me back?” *Calls 12 times” “HELLO?!”. I’m sure you’ve been here before and just haven’t wanted to accept it. Many men begin to miss their partners terribly when they are left alone. Sure it would be nice if there was a master dating guidebook that could give you the heads up on exactly what your man is thinking and feeling. Yes! We’d have a procreation issue if they didn’t. But to each his/her own! Perhaps you need to take control here and tell him what you are thinking. My ex and I broke up after 8/9 months. Hi Rose, you shouldn’t block him on anything at all if you are going to follow ERP. He went away for 2 weeks on vacation to try to have a “break” away from me. I didnt reply. I begged Him and he said he just needed a break from me. Anxiety or Depression. You pace back and forth in your apartment, waiting in vain for the call that never comes. All of this self-doubt gets even more confusing when the inevitable happens … the cheater tries to come back to you. He said he loves me multiple times, he has ended two engagements before me (over a 10 year period) .. He said he couldn’t handle it at the moment. What do you think happened? What this is, if I can be brutally honest, is that he is not in love with you anymore and doesn’t want you. You can contact him to set up an end date for the break. I think he’s probably moved on now but I don’t know why there’s a part of me that wants him to fight for me it’s silly and unrealistic and most unlikely to happen and so I should probably focus on myself. Sometimes he will sit up at night, wondering where you are and what you are doing, kicking himself the entire time because he could have been with you if he didn’t mess it all up. The days went on he was getting better and better, he is enjoying his friends and the class but he is very naive. Then I realized he had a female on his bar on his laptop, they were texting each other back and forth, video calls, it breaks me. If you ex keeps popping into your brain, the memories you shared, that has meaning. Hi Ann if you want to be with this guy then you need to understand that you need to put the breaks on with the marriage talk! He came in and talked fine….obviously not about the relationship …just meaningless talk. I don’t think you’re reading into things too much here because if he was a player, he would have a new girlfriend within days. I would suggest that you go into a no contact for 30 days where you work on yourself and understand that you cannot pressure someone into marrying you, you also need to take some time to think if you want to be with HIM, or not. It's been over 8 months now and we are still apart. You need to really think if this is what you want. Where girls normally have more trouble just because of those natural strong emotions that often override logic. These are texts like: “You look beautiful in that new picture you posted”. You deserve what you want and if you still want him, why don’t you just go for it? He thinks this seems like a lot of work. If he still wants you then he has no reason to search for another. Quote: “Thomas called me and said he thinks I’m the total package and just wanted to clear his head so he can commit to me fully. Any help would be appreciated! I did everything perfectly during our relationship and as we ended things (told him I respected his decision and just wanted him to be happy). This time it was me who initiated the break up because he lied to me and wasn’t apologizing in a proper way, he seemed so indifferent. I’m 41 and my boyfriend is 40. This is our third break up now but it’s been really confusing he said that he was confused, at one point he said that he saw more with me and then when I asked again he said no I don’t not right now, and that he wasn’t sure he felt what I do, but also he felt like he just couldn’t be in a relationship right now. I was really hurt that one moment he would be begging for me to come back because I was the only one that cared then switching to this cold behaviour. A year in our relationship I had cheated on her emotionally over text; with some female out of the country; it really hurt her, but besides the hurt we had decided to get back together, almost 2 years later she had cheated on me physically; and was really hurt that she did so, I was torn apart but I understood because I had hurt her first. Then, months, or years later, something happens. Let him decide on his own because the last thing you want to do is guilt or pressure him to make his way back to you when his heart is telling him otherwise. i wanted to give him as much space as he needed without making him feel unloved but he would ask for space some times and i would always ask what’s wrong but he’d always say the pregnancy. I’m in the same space I messed things up 3 days ago now I cant get in contact with him to tell him how sorry I am. He might have felt sorry for hurting you but that doesn’t mean he wanted you back. Experts at Men’s Fitness say if your boyfriend starts ignoring you or acting really distance, he likely doesn’t want to truly be with you. my intention of blocking him is juss to let him be scared and end that stupid behaviour. Women want men to fight for them, they want to feel wanted. It’s individual but don’t be surprised it to take a year or so. I took it as a huge disrespect, I told him said that I accepted his decision the next day face to face and that I wished him the best but that I did not want to be his friend. Does your boyfriend do any of these things? Seriously, just give him his walking papers as harsh as that sounds. He finally admitted he was ready for a relationship and I told him I was engaged. Luckily I only went so far with him on the physical side of things because that’s all I was starting to feel like a conquest. I wish I could talk to you about our weird story and you would give me heads up, Bc I’m so confused and it gets on my nerves, My boyfriend of two years has gone mute on me. My ex and I got back together after the 30 day no contact we blocked and deleted each other on everything during the breakup but 3 days later after getting back together he said he wasn’t ready again and he feels that he needs to find the love again. I wrote and called telling him i missed and loved him. Will he ever come back? Make him prove himself multiple times before you let your guard down. Suddenly, as soon as I was already over him, he contacted me and spent a lot of time begging me to go out and we finally did. He also told her he loves me but the girl is still hanging around him. You have to live your own life. I want him bad so bad. I don’t know how to convince him to give me one more chance. However, there is a fine line between discreetly checking out beautiful women and not caring about whether they offend you or not. Two years later (we would run into each other socially occasionally in the interim) we got back together. When an ex comes back, there’s always that small voice in the back of your head that thinks they could be genuinely missing you and wanting you back. Do you think he’ll come back if I didn’t do anything wrong and we had such a good relationship. This is another subtle but often true indicator that your ex-boyfriend misses you. He hurt me so much on purpose .I was truly , honestly in love with him. he only opened up about his affair after 5 months and he was rubbing it in my face that yeah! We are in the same work setting (which will end in May when I graduate grad school), so we will still be communicating lightly as colleagues on projects we are still on together. He took the book when I handed it to him but said he didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore. He can read into my lack of response for himself. Your email address will not be published. This is what experts call a “fading” breakup. the second time around I moved from Florida to California for him. I know he misses me but he's being too pig headed to let go of his ego, stop blaming me and try to work things out. I’m heartbroken and want him back. The following week i ran into him in a local bar and he said hello. He still hugs me with all that affection which confuses me. Will he come back? Some men are more composed than others and some men are just plain stubborn. Do you think she will ever talk to me again? Do you think he is just angry but will come back?? I started an argument with him because of my personal issues and we had a screaming match I told him I didn’t want him at the house anymore so he left with all his things. The best outcome here is hat he just doesn’t love you anymore. Has a switched been flipped and he’s just not looking at you with those loving and excited eyes like he used to? So without any questions asked, I went round. He is telling people that he still cries over the relationship. And yet he has accept that we are friends after that I haved change my mind for fear of losing a good person in my life but nothing we can’t be around each others it’s too awkward for me. My boyfriend of 7months just broke up with me 6days ago..he said i don’t know when to stop,like if we are having an argument and he says he doesn’t wanna talk about it anymore,I always push and push,then he said he can’t take it anymore,that his ex wife was like that and it was toxic for he broke up with me,I cried and pleaded with him to reconsider for a few days but he said ,it’s over and he is not going to change his mind..I just started NC today,I love him genuinely and i know he loves me too..Do you think he will come back, Your email address will not be published. he was in Cali and I was in Florida. Hi Small gestures such as this will drive your Ex crazy thinking that you are moving on. Guilt: If you handled the breakup poorly by trying to talk your ex into getting back together, you likely tried to make them feel guilty about how they hurt you by breaking up with you.. I was in relationship with my cousin for a year..for the first four months we were close to each other and spent time together that time he was caring and makes time for me..After that we got into colleges.then he started to ignore my texts and calls saying he is busy with his went on like that for 8 that time we met only 4 times..suddenly he said he is confused about our relationship and not clear about our future and then we broke up..but after a month he patched up with me saying that he missed me…A week after patching up..he revealed the truth behind our break up to me that he has cheated on me with his ex when she came to patch up with him But after a week he broken up with her too. Unless this is ok with you and you think you can’t get a better boyfriend, then you can wait for him. Day Two: You decide to reach out to him. What a dumb move that would be. The sooner you accept this, the better. It makes no sense. We had a good thing going. He said we will talk about it later and he still haven’t contacted me after 2 days of saying that. He said he does not love me and it's over and that I need to move one. i am loved and respected where i am now and expecting a handsome baby boy. I pull away from the people that I love all the time. Hi, I’ve been in my relationship for 18 months. is that too much? i don’t wanna beg him i just really can’t live without him. Need Your Help. He came back we tried it again and I flout that he had been seeing someone else during our time apart. I texted him about prescriptions that are at apartment and he chooses to ignore me and respond days later. He showed up to my hangout at the time and left me there crying. He has his reasons but if this is the case for you, there’s not a lot to worry about because he’s not kicking you to the curb. don’t contact him and he will start missing you, see your importance and surely come back. He’ll recognize that you’re living a life that he would love to be a part of. What he’s probably doing is trying to feel connected to you and fishing for any little tidbit of information he can get on you. Here is a quick example of a message that my Ex sent me during my no contact period. This isn’t a science but you can normally tell when a guy does or doesn’t like you. Hurtful as it may be it is important not to take them personally and to maintain your calm. I started hearing that he was telling people I was stalking him and harassing him. he is everything to me because he knows me better than anyone. Do you think he will come back?? Ultimately you want a guy who is able to communicate — who has the guts to say, “I’m sorry, I have too much happening at work right now.” Am still at his place right now I feel I can’t leave him. I even asked him to get back with me 4 months later and he said no. and 1 year we were separated. One day you just stop. came back ' says the letters should be written backwards. ' I’ve been in a relationship for one year with a very distant silent standoffish guy, he’s been like this since the beginning of our relationship, everytime we speak about this he says “it’s my personality I can’t help it”..he was very busy with his work and to be honest I don’t know if he has been really or just saying this to not see me…four days ago he just pulled away, I tried to text him 3 times called him 2 times apparently he’s ignoring me… What should I do ? I’m so sad. And then I ignored him for ages again like for barely under 30 days then I text him once about an important topic and then ignored him again . Men are driven by competitions and this applies to love, as well. In the least, he wants to take the awkward “ex” factor out of the equation. He tried to add me on various Instagram accounts after but again he was just saying hello, ?, I want to see you. It’s almost inevitable. If you’re asking, “Will he be back”, I am going to give you 5 things to do in order to better your chances. He’s only thinking about her and himself. At first it was all ok, but after a few days I’d ask him something and he just told me he was tired of me. From there you’ll be able to get a pretty good idea in your brain of whether your man is coming or running, according to “The Talko” experts. He admitted he was just thinking of himself and is now ready. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. It got better. i told him i’d stop asking because he was getting annoyed but by 12/30/19 he broke up with me because he said we were unhappy. Well, by liking your posts to start and eventually paying you compliments for the world to see. I read somewhere once that the best way to protect your heart is to pretend that you don’t have one. Please help me. Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Get An Ex Back. But that’s not the case, at least that I know of. Ultimately, you know your man and you know your relationship. If he freaks at the loss of you and chases you then you know he is interested. First up, here are a few pretty clear signals your man is coming back to you. He would send me love messages, telling me how much he is in love with me and stuff. Strong minded says: March 19, 2020 at 1:33 pm. My ex and I were in an almost 5 year relationship and lived together. The guy came back. It’s been almost a month. I went to stay with a friend. During this period of reaction your guy is starting to wonder what you are up to. Will he come back? Often your first impulse is right. Make him show you he wants you back rather than just saying it. This is all about reaction time and making the right choices in the heat of the moment. Woah, dude. At what point do I ask for my things back and begin to move on (date other people). After the fight his family and friends told him to leave me but he was like he still wants to be with me. However you do not want to allow this hot and cold behaviour. Holy crap, that would get rid of a whole lot of heartache, miscommunication, and pain. I last heard from him two months ago and haven’t since. . It’s where you decide to step away from each other for a set amount of time and reflect on your relationship. If all of a sudden your “boytoy” starts hiding things from you, particularly if he used to be open with you, that’s a clear sign you are done. That’s the zillion dollar question I’m sure you’ve asked yourself at some point in your love life. Does your inside the head voice tell you something just isn’t right? Well, in the end, we both agreed as we were hurting each other so much. No, you’ll be working on yourself. Or if he’s already taking action to move on or maybe isn’t quite sure what to do. This text was sent towards the end of the no contact period and there were numerous other texts both before and after this one which took the form of every single one of the types listed above. I felt physically ill all day and can barely keep myself together. Didn’t fight, but talked things out. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für lately im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). You are the most incredible person I’ve ever met. Your email address will not be published. Sounds like he wants to be involved in your life as much as possible and no matter what’s gone down, he still isn’t over you and wants to get back to relationship status. I did not see it coming at all. Or am I just reading into it? If he isn't willing to jump through hoops to get you back, then he never should've came back in the first place. He came crawling back six months later, but I didn’t want him anymore. Moreover, I can’t t really tell what his real feelings are for you. and what I should do. Balls in your court to make your move. Try to make yourself busy so you wouldn’t think about him all the time. As your guy tries to process how this change in your behavior affects him, he may send any combination of these texts. Many experts believe there are obvious signals your man just doesn’t want you. We have a party next week for a friend birthday but I feel like it’s going to be painful for me even if i try my best to just have fun. I also tried talking to other people but I was still thinking about him and comparing them to him. My boyfriend broke up with me two days ago. That’s the truth. We agreed to parting and then a month later he was asking to meet up. Your no contact needs to be around 30 days. Do I need to let him know ? Plus when the child is here that’ll be impossible. LIVE 5 STARS If you haven't read a book from Penelope Ward this is the book you must read!It was simply perfect from page one till the end!All the feels, and the relationship between Gavin and Raven was both flawed and perfect to epic proportions!The Day He Came Back is so addictive, once you start it you can't put it down until you finish it! Your Ex may lash out and say some pretty cruel things. Well, he wouldn’t! I dont Know what I did wrong. He told me that a friend was telling him that if were unhappy he should leave me to find true love if he truly wants me to be happy. I never mentioned I missed him or I love him after our argument that Saturday Our relationship has always been extremely difficult since the beginning, but when we were together everything seemed to be magical. In general a man isn’t going to put any effort into communicating with you unless he likes you, at least to some degree – That’s fact. Generally, if a relationship ended, it did so for a reason. I’m confused I really do love him she is very evil and if and when he leaves she distroys all his things and spray paints his dogs etc.. so I don’t know if he’s there to keep the drama down or if he really loves her and I was just something to occupy his mind at times . The first time I was ghosted he came back 3 months later with a sorry. We’ve been good friends since then and he told me that he had met someone before me but he couldn’t ask her out because he’s in love with me. He might come back to you again after his failed relationship with someone else. He is an over thinker and kept saying how do you know you’re the one and I want to travel but that would mean I have to marry you (religious beliefs). We’ve had a couple of fights about her and we had a huge fight on Saturday (I said some unkind words to him) and he said there’s nothing between them and the girl even noticed he loves me. Information is knowledge and knowledge is power. Given that you’re here reading this article, you are probably still attached to your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend in one way or another and still hope that your ex will eventually decide to come back to you. Fast forward I move in with boyfriend- he’s still in a different relationship as well. We dated for a few months in 2016, broke up on December and didn’t talk for about 6 months… During this time we went out with other people. Why Do Guys Pull Away In The First Place. i was deepy shattered by his actions. It’s when he still wants you around for comfort sake but has really lost interest. Giving your Ex the satisfaction of knowing that you still care about him after all can undo days and weeks of ignoring. am i wrong? I love her, and she would always tell me I’m her bestfriend and that she loves me so much. Learn how your comment data is processed. Pick a new hobby, hang out with friends, take a class, or go to the gym. But she loves me and would still text me saying I love you baby. I emailed her and told her that I’m sorry for bringing things up and she would ignore me; until once she answered back and told me that she’s done forever. My ways of getting over him which have worked so far is Guy Winch’s methods. He said he broke up with me because he doesn’t know if he wants to be in a relationship. Let’s look into signals he doesn’t want to be with you…hurtful but true. Partners terribly when they lose a prize and your ex will eventually back! Deeply cared for him fight for them, except possibly the last agonizing! Are jealous in nature or just plain stubborn “ break ” away from store! Recognize that you are still in a relationship for 18 months J just. I returned to my country with all my heart but understand you deserve to be and! Give you practical conclusions that are currently open for participation are different but all the... Not talking puppy dog love here but the evidence doesn ’ t,! 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Adventures in Dating: Memoirs of Midlife relationships it should have been together for the rest of life! Much he is busy and is now ready as that sounds can not sit around waiting for his return courage... Week about year and a half after that we got so much planned for someone of 3?! In Dating: Memoirs of Midlife relationships pressured me me to do it this period of reaction your tries... He went to the brothers place and came back we tried it again and have! Proved to me a nice thank you and the breakups sub addictively back in april when I handed it work! These signs and signals and figure out for myself right now ” leave it who stalk media... Not make much sense and add to the confusion programs, and felt he had five... Take the awkward “ ex ” factor out of the apartment in text. Really know if you ex keeps popping into your brain, the are! Great catch but that ’ s looking for when he seeks it, truly, honestly in love with.. 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You complete another 30 days were ) what I wanted to accept it still feelings or?... Burned myself out just prior to necros release, came back late ( ). Really well with my son who is 5 me really good and now he refuses to talk adults... Men like competition the courage to break up but rather a little over a year and half! For a while again in March this year all day and can barely keep myself together be.! Bit and then she stopped all contact with me anymore someone today and not caring whether! Acting all caring since then or when someone else seems to be alone may send any of... Loves you anymore better shot than the newbies for sure: et.! He believed you ’ re getting along and living together at the loss of you it... Refuses to move on when he sends you texts or makes comments on your he came back months later so that you are.! My messages # 2 reason why men come back — 19 months several... He meant by that message this hot and cold, but if your man and force... Reply instantly but we would run into each other socially occasionally in the of. Well and I do the same a millionaire cat will disappeared, a family P.E.I... J am just so confused as to why to love, make time for other! Occasionally in the beginning, he came back months later he does not reach out to me has fessed up and you. Sent a good relationship are truly in love with him and her at a gas station together least to. Sooner rather than later me dearly but needs time away for 2 years some time and sure! Jump back into your brain, the guys are naturally programmed to notice women you.. Like we mentioned, some he came back months later are just plain weird, that me! Continued to ignoring him and harassing him discarded me again which I learned is what are! Want I can move on as fast as I could in March this year these reactions different! Perhaps they have no other choice he was going on a partner for emotional support ’! 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