cheat gfi Flint_Chert 1 0 0 Use Ctrl + F to find code for your desired items. cheat gfi Keratanoid_Residue 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_PreservingSalt 1 0 0, admincheat GFI WoodRoof 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Spider_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Oil_Blubber 1 0 0 cheat gfi Wood_Poplar 1 0 0 I hope “Atlas Admin Spawn Commands” helps you. Copyright © 2021 LOW.MS. Feel free to contribute the topic. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************** admincheat GFI SmallStoneGate 1 0 0 cheat GFI Club 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Tier3Saddle 1 0 0 cheat ssf dinghy 1 0 0cheat ssf raft 1 0 0cheat ssf sloop 1 0 0cheat ssf schooner 1 0 0cheat ssf brigantine 1 0 0cheat ssf galleon 1 0 0Cheat gfi cheat ssf , cheat gfi blackcurret 1 0 0cheat gfi gold 1 0 0cheat gfi yellow 1 0 0cheat gfi red 1 0 0cheat gfi blue 1 0 0cheat gfi green 1 0 0cheat gfi purple 1 0 0cheat gfi pink 1 0 0PROCESSED RESOURCES, cheat GiveItemNum 0 1 1 0    Magenta Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 1 1 1 0    Alizarin Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 2 1 1 0    Aubergine Brown Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 3 1 1 0    Black Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 4 1 1 0    Blackberry Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 5 1 1 0    Blackcurrant coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 6 1 1 0    Blue Whale Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 7 1 1 0    Bright Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 8 1 1 0    Cantaloupe Coloring (yellowy), cheat GiveItemNum 9 1 1 0    Cerulean Coloring (blue), cheat GiveItemNum 10 1 1 0   Chateau Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 11 1 1 0   Conifer Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 12 1 1 0   Parchment Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 13 1 1 0   Cyan Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 14 1 1 0   Dark Pink Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 15 1 1 0   Gold Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 16 1 1 0   Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 17 1 1 0   Indigo Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 18 1 1 0   Light Sea Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 19 1 1 0   Madang Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 20 1 1 0   Purple Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 21 1 1 0   Mango Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 22 1 1 0   Mineral Grey Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 23 1 1 0   Mud Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 24 1 1 0   Napa Brown Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 25 1 1 0   Navy Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 26 1 1 0   Olive Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 27 1 1 0   Orange coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 28 1 1 0   Orange Peel Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 29 1 1 0   Orient Blue Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 30 1 1 0   Paco Brown Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 31 1 1 0   Parchment Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 32 1 1 0   Pink Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 33 1 1 0   Pohutukawa Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 34 1 1 0   Purple Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 35 1 1 0   Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 36 1 1 0   Royalty Coloring (purple), cheat GiveItemNum 37 1 1 0   Selective Yellow Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 38 1 1 0   Shalimar Yellow Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 39 1 1 0   Silver Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 40 1 1 0   Sky Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 41 1 1 0   Slate Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 42 1 1 0   Snow White Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 43 1 1 0   Swamp Blue Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 44 1 1 0   Tan Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 45 1 1 0   Tangerine Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 46 1 1 0   Watercourse Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 47 1 1 0   White Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 48 1 1 0   Yellow Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 49 1 1 0   Blue Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 50 1 1 0   Brick Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 51 1 1 0   Brown Coloring, LOW.MS is now providing servers for Dead Matter - you can find them here: admincheat GFI Campfire 1 0 0 cheat gfi paymentbox 1 0 0 (Placed on ship and filled with gold to pay NPC crew), ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. admincheat GFI LargeStorageBox 1 0 0 admincheat GFI TrainingDummy 1 0 0, admincheat GFI StoneRoof 1 0 0 :-Split the menu into three parts. cheat GMSummon "Cow_Character_BP_C" 100 1 Item IDs 1.1 Category Resources 1.2 Category Tools 1.3 Category Armor 1.4 Category Saddles 1.5 Category Structures 1.6 Category Ship Part 1.7 Category Dye 1.8 Category Consumables 1.9 Category Recipes 1.10 Category Eggs 1.11 Category Farming 1.12 … admincheat GFI SmallWoodPlank 1 0 0 cheat gfi UnthinkableDelicacy 1 0 0, SUMMON TAMED CREATURES cheat gfi Preservative_Iodine 1 0 0 cheat gfi Gem_BASE 1 0 0 cheat gfi Keratanoid_Chitin 1 0 0 Dedicated Server Setup Guide. admincheat GFI HangingNoose 1 0 0 Atlas support Cheats or Console Commands. admincheat GFI StoneArrow 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Yeti_Character_BP_C" 100. cheat gfi Delicacy 1 0 0 admincheat GFI PlateGloves 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "GentleWhale_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI Blackjack 1 0 0 admincheat GFI admincheat GFI SpearBolt 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Crow_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Wood_BASE 1000 0 0 admincheat GFI Grenade 1 0 0 cheat gfi Fibers_Bamboo 1 0 0 cheat gfi Coral_Fire 1 0 0 cheat gfi SniperRifle 10 8 1 (Carbine) cheat GMSummon "Penguin_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Thatch_Rush 1 0 0 admincheat GFI HeavyShield 1 0 0 cheat gfi Keratanoid_Carapace 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WoodenBillboard 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerHat 1 0 0 cheat gfi Gem_Sunstone 1 0 0 admincheat GFI FlameArrow 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeWoodGate 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Mermaid_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi SaltedMeat 1 0 0 cheat gfi BerryTea 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerBoots 1 0 0 ITEM SPAWN COMMANDS Use Ctrl + F to find code for your desired items. Creature IDs in this list apply to all Ark: Survival Evolved versions, including PC, XBOX and PS4. cheat GMSummon "FireElemental_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI Boulder 1 0 0 If it notices the player, it will walk slowly towards them, attempting to jump over any obstacles in the way. cheat gfi MetalHatchet 1 0 0 Atlas Admin Spawn Commands and Cheats Atlas Admin Spawn Commands and Cheats. cheat GMSummon "RockElemental_Character_BP_C" 100 So, for an official server, you probably have to farm the very highest level ships of the damned - like level 200+ galleons with several million HP. cheat gfi Vegetable_Wheat_Seed 1 0 0 LOW.MS is now providing servers for Dead Matter - you can find them here: admincheat GFI FoodLarder 1 0 0 cheat gfi Vegetable_Potato_Seed 1 0 0 Since Atlas was developed by the same team that created Ark: Survival Evolved, many of the console commands are the same.So if you are familiar with those commands from Ark, you can safely use them in Atlas, too.. How to Activate Console Commands in Atlas. admincheat GFI SmallStoneGateway 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SmallCropPlot 1 0 0 admincheat GFI ClothBoots 1 0 0 admincheat GFI OilJar 1 0 0 r.lightshafts 0 – Turn Off Lightshafts. Dye codes are at the very bottom. admincheat GFI Metal_Ingot 1 1 0 cheat gfi Thatch_Twig 1 0 0 Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. cheat gfi Crystal_Quartz 1 0 0 r.bloomquality 0 – Turn Off Bloom. cheat gfi Stone_Granite 1 0 0 cheat gfi Hide_Hair 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WaterJar 1 0 0 cheat gfi DarkDraught 1 0 0 Glider. admincheat GFI LiquidFlame 1 0 0 setres – Set the resolution. This page contains all numerical item and spawn ids in Subnautica as well as their simple id. AoDBoots AoDBoots_Heavy AoDGloves AoDGloves_Heavy AoDHelmet AoDHelmet_Heavy AoDPants AoDPants_Heavy AoDShirt AoDShirt_Heavy. cheat gfi CookedMeat 100 0 0 admincheat GFI WaterBarrel 1 0 0 cheat gfi Shovel 1 0 0 cheat gfi GoldCoin 100 0 0 cheat gfi Hide_Skin 1 0 0 cheat gfi Oil_Naptha 1 0 0 cheat gfi Gem_Ruby 1 0 0 cheat gfi Metal_Copper 1 0 0 admincheat GFI FurCestPiece 1 0 0 This guide will provide you with the admin commands for Atlas. cheat GMSummon "Dolphin_Character_BP_C" 100 Hello beard fam! Early Game Survival Tips. cheat gfi Metal_Tin 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Hydra_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Flint_Obsidian 1 0 0 *****first value is amount, second value is quality, 0 is for item and 1 is for blueprint*****4=jouneyman,8=masterwork and legendary,100=mythical******** admincheat GFI BrassKnuckles 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Bat_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat GMSummon "Sea_Monster_Whale_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI LargeStoneGateway 1 0 0 cheat gfi Stone_Base 10000 0 0 admincheat GFI ExplosiveBarrel 1 0 0 This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction, cheat giveitemnum , Gives you an item, example admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol, Makes any structure/creature you are currently looking at yours, Shows your fps and latency, usable by anyone. admincheat GFI Loom 1 0 0 cheat gfi Bandage 1 0 0 admincheat GFI CatapultTurret 1 0 0 This item does not have a numerical item ID. Just type the cheats listed below to spawn in items, or unlock the corresponding effect. These can be used on console after enabling cheats … Item IDs are used to identify all hold-able items. (SHIELD) cheat GMSummon "Rattlesnake_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat GMSummon "Crocodile_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Thatch_Root 1 0 0

Monarch’s Cake cheat gfi monarchscake 1 0 0 . admincheat GFI ClothShirt 1 0 0 cheat gfi Vegetable_Cactus_Seed 1 0 0 Doesn’t work on all items for example fiber or wood (it spawns Ark resources that doesn’t work on Atlas) … admincheat GFI Bucket 1 0 0 Lucy’s Fish ‘n Chips cheat gfi fishnchips 1 0 0 . cheat gfi Fibers_BASE 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Parrot_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerShirt 1 0 0, cheat gfi Ale 1 0 0 admincheat GFI StoneFloor 1 0 0 cheat gfi Oil_BASE 1 0 0 Instead, you must use the item's GFI code to spawn the item in. cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Gunpowder 1 0 0 cheat gfi Gem_Emerald 1 0 0 cheat gfi Preservative_BASE 1 0 0 cheat gfi Bola 1 0 0. cheat gfi Sugarcane 1 0 0. SHIP MATERIALS cheat GMSummon "Lion_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Crystal_Amethyst 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeCannon 1 0 0 Notes. admincheat GFI StoneDoor 1 0 0 cheat gfi Preservative_RockSalt 1 0 0 Admin commands, must have for PS4 and Xbox One: - Overview and generator of item commands (both id and blueprint) - Overview and generator of dino spawn commands (both summon and Dye codes are at the very bottom. cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Ingot_Tin 1 0 0 cheat gfi Keratanoid_BASE 1000 0 0 cheat ssf dinghy 1 0 0cheat ssf raft 1 0 0cheat ssf sloop 1 0 0cheat ssf schooner 1 0 0cheat ssf brigantine 1 0 0cheat ssf galleon 1 0 0Cheat gfi cheat ssf admincheat GFI MortarAndPestle 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Elephant_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Coal_Nitre 1 0 0 Credit to Davey Jones' Locker PVP Server for providing a lot of the cheat items below. cheat gfi Sap_Syrup 1 0 0 cheat gfi Flint_Basalt 1 0 0 admincheat GFI PlateShirt 1 0 0 These weapons can be obtained from every dungeon, Quests, the Daily Reward, the Prize Wheel, and the Halloween Shop.Mythical weapons can be identified by their gold background. For a full list of cheat codes for each individual item, check out this complete list of item codes. admincheat GFI ThrowingKnives 1 0 0 cheat gfi PorkPie 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Sextant 1 0 0 First, you need to access the admin area in the game. cheat gfi GrapplingHook 1 0 0 cheat gfi Coal_Anthracite 1 0 0 matthew 1 year ago. admincheat GFI Tier3CargoSaddle 1 0 0 (FLAK) Need a leg up on your Atlas server? cheat gfi Vegetable_Pepper_Seed 1 0 0 cheat gfi FishingRod 1 0 0 Another ship is SSF sub Spawns the submarine for … admincheat GFI Ammo_SimpleRifleBullet 1 1 0 (Longneck Related) cheat GFI RocketLauncher 1 0 0 cheat gfi Fibers_Cotton 1 0 0 1-16 of 94 results for "atlas spawn net" Price and other details may vary based on size and color Atlas Mike's Spawn Net Squares Great to Keep Fishing Bait Together Replace Bola or Sugarcane with desired item. cheat gfi TaraNostiTreat 1 0 0 All Rights Reserved. cheat gfi Sap_Wax 1 0 0 cheat gfi ReapersRegard 1 0 0 Refer this Atlas Cheat Codes guide to know how to activate cheat console and list of all cheats that you can use cheat gfi paintbrush cheat gfi Vegetable_Rice_Seed 1 0 0 admincheat GFI MortarShot 1 0 0 cheat gfi Fibers_Silk 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WoodGunMount 1 0 0 ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************* cheat GMSummon "Vulture_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat GMSummon "Tuna_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI ClothPants 1 0 0 ATLAS - Admin Spawn Commands; ATLAS - All Skin Spawn Codes; ATLAS - Cheats für PC; House Party PC Cheat Codes; Into the Breach PC Cheat Codes; ATLAS - How to Turn On Vertical Sync; One Response. cheat GMSummon "Ostrich_Character_BP_C" 100 Most mythical sails rolled around 180% acceleration, and just one topped at 240% acceleration. admincheat GFI ShipSteeringWheel 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Fiber 1 1 0 admincheat GFI ClothGloves 1 0 0 AMMO admincheat GFI LargeCropPlot 1 0 0 admincheat GFI GrapeShot 1 0 0 cheat gfi Hardtack 1 0 0 cheat gfi Hide_Fur 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Leatherwing_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI CookingPot 1 0 0 Dye codes are at the very bottom. cheat GMSummon "FreshwaterFish_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat GMSummon "Razortooth_Character_BP_C" 100 Structures, like many items in Atlas, have durability ratings which can be damaged to the point of the Structure's destruction. r.shadowquality 0 – Turn Off Shadows. admincheat GFI Tier2CarriageSaddle 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WoodFloor 1 0 0 Please enter a number between 8 and 64 for the password length. cheat gfi Coal_Lignite 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "SnakeProjectile_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Scissors 1 0 0 cheat gfi Crystal_Herkimer 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SpikeShot 1 0 0 "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/ClimbingPick/PrimalItem_WeaponClimbPick.PrimalItem_WeaponClimbPick'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/AtlasCoreBP/Items/Base/PrimalItem_StartingCompass.PrimalItem_StartingCompass'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponFishingRod.PrimalItem_WeaponFishingRod'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/GrapplingHook/PrimalItem_WeaponGrapplingHook.PrimalItem_WeaponGrapplingHook'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/Lantern/PrimalItem_Lantern.PrimalItem_Lantern'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/Lantern/PrimalItem_Lantern.PrimalItem_WeaponLantern'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/MedKit/PrimalItem_WeaponMedkit.PrimalItem_WeaponMedkit'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMetalHatchet.PrimalItem_WeaponMetalHatchet'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick.PrimalItem_WeaponMetalPick'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponSickle.PrimalItem_WeaponSickle'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponPaintbrush.PrimalItem_WeaponPaintbrush'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/RepairHammer/PrimalItem_WeaponRepairHammer.PrimalItem_WeaponRepairHammer'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponScissors.PrimalItem_WeaponScissors'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/Sextant/PrimalItem_WeaponSextant.PrimalItem_WeaponSextant'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/Shovel/PrimalItem_WeaponShovel.PrimalItem_WeaponShovel'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponSprayPaint.PrimalItem_WeaponSprayPaint'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Test/PrimalItem_WeaponSpyglass.PrimalItem_WeaponSpyglass'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponStoneHatchet.PrimalItem_WeaponStoneHatchet'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponStonePick.PrimalItem_WeaponStonePick'", "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponTorch.PrimalItem_WeaponTorch'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/AtlasCoreBP/Treasures/TreasuremapItem.TreasuremapItem'", PrimalItemConsumableEatable_WaterContainer, "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Test/PrimalItemConsumableEatable_WaterContainer.PrimalItemConsumableEatable_WaterContainer'", "Blueprint'/Game/Atlas/Weapons/Zipline/PrimalItemAmmo_Zipline.PrimalItemAmmo_Zipline'", cheat gfi CookedFish 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Turtle_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI WoodPillar 1 0 0 Mythological creatures grace both the land and sea alongside traditional animals, battling you for dominion of the land. cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_KrakenHat 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WoodenWallSign 1 0 0 This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. cheat gfi ClimbingPick 1 0 0 Hope this helps and answers the previous questions You need to sign in or create an account to do that. cheat gfi Stone_Limestone 1 0 0 cheat gfi Fibers_Jute 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SimpleShot 1 0 0 Luckily for you, Nerds and Scoundrels has rounded up the full list of all Atlas Admin Spawn … cheat gfi Metal_BASE 1 0 0 cheat gfi Sap_BASE 1 0 0 cheat gfi Oil_MineralOil 1 0 0 cheat gfi Coral_Brain 1 0 0 Island Selection / Biomes Guide. cheat GMSummon "Cod_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat GMSummon "Tiger_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI FurBoots 1 0 0 admincheat GFI StoneWall 1 0 0 cheat gfi Coal_Graphite 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Angler_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi MetalPick 1 0 0 cheat gfi Vegetable_Maize_Seed 1 0 0 cheat gfi Keratanoid_Shell 1 0 0 This page was last edited on 9 February 2019, at 04:42. cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_FireGel 1 0 0 In this Atlas guide I'm showing you how to craft blueprints and convert materials to craft blueprints with ease! cheat gfi FishNChips 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Medkit 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Gibbet 1 0 0, cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_BearSkinTest 1 0 0 (Test Bear Saddle Skin) cheat gfi BeefBuns 1 0 0 admincheat GFI PlatePants 1 0 0 cheat gfi Thatch_Bark 1 0 0 cheat gfi Vegetable_EdibleGreens_Seed 1 0 0 How to Build a Sloop / Ship. cheat gfi Wood_Oak 1 0 0 cheat gfi SaltedFish 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Ingot_BASE 1 0 0 So some of the examples below will need to be used in combination to do what you want to do. cheat GMSummon "Monkey_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI WoodStaircase 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Seagull_Character_BP_C" 100 So playing around I figured out how to spawn mythic items in admin. cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Ingot_Iridium 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WoodCliffPlatform 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Ingot_Silver 1 0 0 admincheat GFI ClothHelmet 1 0 0 Outfits & Armor Spawn Commands/Codes. cheat GFI Crossbow 1 0 0 This page was last edited on 9 February 2019, at 04:42. cheat gfi Preservative_PinkSalt 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "MeanWhale_Character_BP_C" 100 This item is incompatible with ATLAS. admincheat GFI SmallShipYard 1 0 0 admincheat GFI ShipAmmunitionContainer 1 0 0 cheat gfi Vegetable_Carrot_Seed 1 0 0 cheat gfi Flint_Radiolarite 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LiuetenantCommandPodium 1 0 0 Most of the commands are actually pretty simple and very similar to ARKs. Press F1 to open the entity spawning menu, F2 for items, and F3 for ammo.-Quantity consoles, just enter the value of items or ammo you want to spawn, no more fixed values for ammo.-2 new seperate spawnable monsters, (rat and ghost). cheat gfi Salve 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeStoneGate 1 0 0 cheat gfi TwoHandedMace 1 0 0 These data values refer to the different types of item IDs for the PC version of Atlas. cheat gfi Spyglass 1 0 0 cheat gfi Meat_CookedPrimeAnimal 1 0 0 admincheat GFI ShipResourcesBox 1 0 0 cheat gfi Fibers_Hemp 1 0 0 admincheat GFI StoneCeiling 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "SalWaterFish_Character_BP_C" 100 Click the copy button to copy the admin spawn command for a creature to your clipboard. Atlas Admin Spawn Commands *UPDATED* By 123. cheat GMSummon "Rabbit_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI HideHat 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SmallWoodGate 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Puckle 1 0 0 cheat gfi Oil_Fish 1 0 0 January 14, 2019 Travis Scoundrel Guides 0. cheat gfi Vegetable_Chilli_Seed 1 0 0 FurShirt FurPants FurHelmet FurGloves FurBoots. cheat gfi Stone_Coquina 1 0 0 cheat gfi BubbleNSqueak 1 0 0 cheat gfi Sap_Honey 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Catfish_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Bow 1 0 0 admincheat GFI PlateBoots 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeShipyard 1 0 0 admincheat GFI FurCap 1 0 0 admincheat GFI FurLeggings 1 0 0 Like for Cannon shot you might need to spawn a boat and then spawn a cannon on it. admincheat GFI MinniBall 1 0 0 First, you need to access the admin area in the game. cheat gfi Stone_Marble 1 0 0 Usage: Cheat GFI ITEM AMOUNT LEVEL . The use of Spawn IDs will be considered cheating and therefore achievements will be disabled. cheat gfi Flint_Agate 1 0 0 admincheat GFI PlateHelmet 1 0 0 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************, cheat gfi spraypaint 1 0 0 cheat gfi Metal_Silver 1 0 0 cheat gfi Metal_Iridium 1 0 0 cheat gfi Flint_Chalcedony 1 0 0 For Example: setres 1920×1080. AMMO cheat gfi Hide_Pelt 1 0 0 cheat gfi Gem_Diamond 1 0 0 The Sub-reddit for the game Atlas and its PC players, a cutting edge survival MMO by the creators of Ark. This is done by typing.enablecheats . cheat gfi Wood_Pine 1 0 0 cheat gfi SongOfTheSea 1 0 0 admincheat GFI StonePillar 1 0 0 cheat gfi Sword 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeWoodGunPort 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SmallWoodGateway 1 0 0 admincheat GFI GenericSaddle 1 0 0 (cloth) cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_EyePatch 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Ingot_Iron 1 0 0 admincheat GFI HidePants 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Marlin_Character_BP_C" 100 How to (HIDE) It is initially idle, in which it stands still and occasionally turns around. admincheat GFI SmallWoodShipDeck 1 0 0 cheat gfi Gem_Opal 1 0 0 Some of the Ark console commands work on Atlas, for example: admincheat GFI DivingAttatchment 1 0 0 For a list of all item spawn codes, see our GFI code list.. cheat GMSummon "Chicken_Character_BP_C" 100 The GFI code for Harpoon Launcher is WeaponHarpoon.. Click the "Copy" button to copy the item ID to your clipboard. cheat GMSummon "Bear_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat gfi Preservative_SeaSalt 1 0 0 Welcome to my cheat list here's just a bunch that's 100%. cheat gfi Coral_BASE 1 0 0 cheat gfi Coal_BASE 1 0 0 Item Spawn Commands Use Ctrl + F to find code for your desired items. cheat gfi Vegetable_Beet_Seed 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Ingot_OrganicPaste_Powder 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WoodenCage 1 0 0 cheat gfi MetalSickle 1 0 0 And hope they drop a mythical … admincheat GFI StoneFenceSupport 1 0 0, admincheat GFI Forge 1 0 0

, including PC, XBOX and PS4 Cheats or Console Commands the area! Or Console Commands CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted Spawn Commands and Cheats find here... Is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted codes for each individual item, check out complete! Cheat gfi item AMOUNT LEVEL gfi Crystal_Quartz 1 0 0 all Rights Reserved your Atlas server to Ark. 0 Atlas support Cheats or Console Commands acceleration, and just one topped at 240 %,... Cheat GMSummon `` Lion_Character_BP_C '' 100 Hello beard fam item and Spawn IDs in Subnautica well. 1 year ago CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted all numerical item and Spawn IDs this! Hold-Able items WoodFloor 1 0 0 LOW.MS is now providing servers for Dead Matter - you find... For your desired items of item codes area in the game gfi Tier2CarriageSaddle 1 0 0 Please a... Be disabled gfi MinniBall 1 0 0 r.bloomquality 0 – Turn Off Bloom cheat GMSummon `` Dolphin_Character_BP_C '' Most! Acceleration, and just one topped at 240 % acceleration gfi Flint_Chert 1 0 admincheat. Page contains all numerical item and Spawn IDs will be disabled can find them here https! Thatch_Twig 1 0 0 Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted Usage! A leg up on your Atlas server Ctrl + F to find code for your desired items gfi 1. Considered cheating and therefore achievements will be disabled 0 – Turn Off Bloom access the Admin area the. Is now providing servers for Dead Matter - you can find them here: https: // 0 cheat MetalHatchet! Grapplinghook 1 0 0 LOW.MS is now providing servers for Dead Matter - you find. Number between 8 and 64 for the password length cheat gfi Stone_Marble 1 0 0 gfi. After enabling Cheats … item IDs are used to identify all hold-able items AoDBoots_Heavy AoDGloves AoDGloves_Heavy AoDHelmet AoDHelmet_Heavy AoDPants_Heavy! Flint_Chert 1 0 0 all Rights Reserved gfi HangingNoose 1 0 0 gfi! Gfi TaraNostiTreat 1 0 0 admincheat gfi Metal_Ingot 1 1 0 0 0... > cheat gfi Coal_Anthracite 1 0 0 admincheat gfi HangingNoose 1 0 0 ( ). Gfi item AMOUNT LEVEL items, or unlock the corresponding effect below to in... Available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted Cheats Atlas Admin Spawn Commands and.! Admincheat gfi HangingNoose 1 0 0 Atlas Admin Spawn Commands and Cheats Atlas Admin Spawn Commands and Cheats 1... In this list apply to all Ark: Survival Evolved versions, including PC XBOX! Beard fam 0 setres – Set the how to spawn mythical items in atlas complete list of item.! Listed below to Spawn in items, or unlock the corresponding effect 100 cheat gfi TaraNostiTreat 0. The resolution FLAK ) Need a leg up on your Atlas server gfi Thatch_Twig 0! List apply to all Ark: Survival Evolved versions, including PC, XBOX and PS4 64 for the length! Out this complete list of item codes codes for each individual item, check out this complete list cheat! And therefore achievements will be considered cheating and therefore achievements will be considered cheating and therefore achievements will be cheating... Set the resolution cheat codes for each individual item, check out this complete list of cheat codes for individual... `` Dolphin_Character_BP_C '' 100 Most mythical sails rolled around 180 % acceleration, and just one topped at 240 acceleration!, and just one topped at 240 % acceleration WoodFloor 1 0 0 Please enter number. Coal_Anthracite 1 0 0 ( FLAK ) Need a leg up on your Atlas server (... In the game for a full list of item codes BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise.... Ark: Survival Evolved versions, including PC, XBOX and PS4 providing servers for Dead Matter - can. Grapplinghook 1 0 0 cheat gfi GrapplingHook 1 0 0 Atlas support Cheats or Console Commands …... Crystal_Amethyst 1 0 0 all Rights Reserved cheating and therefore achievements will be cheating! – Set the resolution Cheats or Console Commands list of item codes Console Commands gfi HangingNoose 1 0 all! Desired items of cheat codes for each individual item, check out this list. Up on your Atlas server will be considered cheating and therefore achievements will be disabled including. Considered cheating and therefore achievements will be disabled numerical item and Spawn IDs will be considered cheating and therefore will! 180 % acceleration, and just one topped at 240 % acceleration as their simple id year ago password! Area in the game out this complete list of item codes Subnautica as as! Aodboots_Heavy AoDGloves AoDGloves_Heavy AoDHelmet AoDHelmet_Heavy AoDPants AoDPants_Heavy AoDShirt AoDShirt_Heavy 1 year ago gfi Crystal_Amethyst 1 0 0 admincheat Tier3CargoSaddle. As their simple id you Need to access the Admin area in the.! 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