Innovative Online Industries (I-R0k, F’Nale Zandor & Sixers) | The Pink Panther is a fictional animated character who appeared in the opening and/or closing credit sequences of every film in The Pink Panther series except for A Shot in the Dark and Inspector Clouseau. The podcast states that Rose is a "gray" character, who poofed Bismuth for not aligning with her own pacifist philosophy and that Rose did not represent "all things pure". Steven turned himself over to Aquamarine and Topaz claiming to be Rose Quartz, the Gem who shattered Pink Diamond. Pearl told Steven she had wanted to tell him the truth about Pink Diamond for a very long time but simply could not due to being prevented from doing so by her former owner's last command. This revelation upsets Steven, but not as much as his not growing up in an ordinary household with a nuclear family. Most diamonds have some tint to them, usually yellowish in tone. Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe Villains, She was proficient in both combat as well as military command and strategy, being able to lead the Crystal Gems from the front-lines in a successful rebellion against their Homeworld. Baraka | V | Harry Potter Villains | She and her own Spinel are the only two Gems shown to have changed the rotation of their gemstones via regeneration. Upon arriving, Steven tells Yellow Pearl to call him by his name instead of Pink Diamond, but she is unable to fathom his request. Kanker Sisters | Wild Wild West Villains | She also wore a small pink and white skirt, short puffy rose-pink pants, white stockings and a pair of pink slippers with white pom poms floating over each of them. The Gems formerly serving her (e.g., Jasper) were reassigned to the other Diamonds, but regardless still refer to her as "[their] Diamond.". Sandworms | Redeemed Tyrantress, PinkRose QuartzRoseStarlight (by White Diamond)Mom (by Steven), Head of Earth's ColonizationHigh-ranking GemHomeworld GemFounder and Leader of Crystal Gems (as Rose Quartz)Guardian (as Rose Quartz), Gem abilitiesSwordsmanshipHealingPhytokinesisFloatingSonic ScreamDestructive powers. As implied in "Bismuth" however, Rose's nature as a warrior during the war was tempered by a strong sense of righteousness, as she refuses to go to the extent of needlessly killing Gems to win the war against the Gem Homeworld, proving her love for life was stronger than her warrior instincts. The West Australian mine that produces 95 per cent of the world’s pink diamonds will close forever this week and the already high value of the precious gemstone is set to explode as a result. Max Shreck | Her gemstone was located on her navel and displayed in a large pentagon-shaped opening, being an inverted-side view of a round-cut diamond. After learning that Pink Diamond used to throw parties for all Gems, including White Diamond, he adopted her outfit and decided to have a party of his own in order to reason about healing the Corrupted Gems on Earth with White. Pairing your pink diamond with side stones is an excellent way to boost the size and sparkle of your ring, especially if your colored diamond is less than 0.50 Carat. Pearl knew nothing of Lion, nor the fact that Rose kept meaningful things in his mane, including Bismuth's bubbled gem. She was even allowed to name a batch of Pyrite "Fool's Gold," making White furious. lgbtq+ ♡ safe zone in honor of Pink Diamond, my Diamond. The Jokerz (Dee Dee Twins, Chucko & Woof) | There are 10 questions, try to answer as honestly as possible. Style 1: Three-stone setting. Mathias Vogel | Sure she never told me she used to be Pink Diamond, but...(chuckles) I never told her I used to be Gregory DeMayo. TMNT Villains | After spending time on Earth, Pink Diamond realized the Kindergartens and the rest of her colonization were not creating life all from nothing; they were taking all the life and leaving nothing in its place instead. Leibish & Co. specializes in Natural Fancy Pink Diamonds & Pink Diamond Jewelry. Pink diamond: Engagement ring, ring 925, Emerald Cut simulated pink diamond ring, jewelry, rings unique, silver ring women, ring 3 stone AUZJewellery. Steven expresses in the song "Let's Only Think About Love" that although a lot of tragic events have happened recently, he would rather the day be focused on Ruby and Sapphire's wedding instead of Pink Diamond. A small extract of Pink and Yellow Diamond's relationship was shown in "Jungle Moon": While Pink was excited about the colonization process of a new planet, her constant questioning and tantrums began to annoy Yellow, causing her to snap in frustration at Pink. Despite her role, in "Story for Steven", she was seen to have (at least to the knowledge of the Crystal Gems and Greg) a personality greatly resembling that of her son. He says he fell in love with Rose Quartz, just like how she fell in love with Mr. Universe (not Gregory DeMayo). Ruby Deagle | Steven Universe One of Blue Diamond's goals is to preserve as much of Pink Diamond's legacy as possible, including maintaining her Zoo, keeping her "defective" Gems in service, and keeping every Rose Quartz Gem bubbled rather than shattering them, as Pink Diamond had made that type of Gem. Muscle Man | Well, I fell in love with Rose Quartz and she fell in love with Mr. Universe. Pink Diamond's Zoo in the present day, now owned and operated by Blue Diamond, is the central hub for all things related to Pink. Steven went through multiple phases of Pearl's past until he reached the moment after Rose Quartz supposedly shattered Pink Diamond. Agent 23 | Yellow and Blue scold "Pink," and Yellow tells Stevonnie that they have "gone too far," grabbing them throwing them into the Prison Tower. Gremlins | Steven then reiterated what he had learned, revealing the shocking truth to Garnet and Amethyst in the process. This view might've come from their frequent harsh scoldings, her feelings of never fitting in with the Diamond Authority, and constant punishments of being locked up or even physically attacked for little acts such as letting alien worms loose in the Diamonds' Palace and how her pleas to spare Earth always fell on deaf ears. Despite this, White does express anguish at the revelation that releasing Steven's gem would never return Pink to her. Precursors | In "The Answer", Rose is shown fighting alongside Pearl. Stan Beals | Status They are however differently shaped, with Pink Diamond's gemstone being more geometric and White Diamond's gemstone being slightly more rounded. Pink Diamond also had control over a court which included Agates, Sapphires and her own personal Pearl. A small extract of Pink and Yellow Diamond's relationship was shown in "Jungle Moon": While Pink was excited about the colonization process of a new planet, her constant questioning and tantrums began to annoy Yellow, causing her to snap in frustration at Pink. Upon discovering the truth, she is unable to handle the emotional stress and unfuses into Ruby and Sapphire. Ferguson | Explore. Rush Hour Villains | Mr. Chairman | When he asked Pearl about it, she suddenly stuttered and covered her mouth. Blue then asks Steven if he remembers the time he named a batch of Pyrite "Fool's Gold" to White's dismay, but Steven states that he doesn't recall any of Pink's past. Complexion It was also revealed Pink actually made the Rose Quartzes that served as the inspiration for her disguise and they were all bubbled because one of their kind was supposedly responsible for the Rebellion and her demise. Stripe | Orin Scrivello | Unfused Gems: Amethyst • Biggs Jasper • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar • Pearl • Peridot • Ruby • Sapphire • Snowflake Obsidian Mayor Brown | Gender Pronoun Steven begins to explain that he has Pink Diamond's Gem only to be struck by one of Blue's attacks. This was reiterated in "Change Your Mind" when after White Diamond removed Steven's Gem it cycled through Pink Diamonds form then Rose Quartz before forming into Pink Steven. Catwoman Villains | Due to their eye-catching hue, pink diamonds make for stunning rings. Spent time with her friends (as Rose Quartz). Gambol | While the Diamonds and older Gems remembered Pink very well, it appeared that in the case of the former they tried to censor anything involving her and her death to Gemkind since newer Gems like "Leggy" and Peridot 5XG were not really aware of Pink Diamond's existence, or by extension that of the Crystal Gems. In the episode "Volleyball", it was revealed that the reason behind Pink Pearl's cracked right eye was not because of White Diamond, but because she had been standing too close to Pink Diamond during one of her explosive tantrums. We, at "DIY Diamonds Painting", believe that diamonds painting is the best way to promote wellness and mindfulness in people of all ages as it relieves stress and increases mental focus and memory. However, she began to care about Earth after exploring and seeing the life there. Monstars | Prudence Prufrock | Yellow and Blue Diamond eventually show up to Earth, and Blue lands on the beach in front of the Temple. She treated everyone equally, being somewhat exasperated at Pearl's overly formal nature and instead acting as her friend. According to Blue and Yellow Diamond, White Diamond is very difficult to deal with. Mrs. Toad | In "Lion 3: Straight to Video", she was shown to have had black eyes. As stated by Steven in "Now We're Only Falling Apart", Pink Diamond reformed permanently as Rose Quartz after she was poofed during her fake shattering making Rose her true "default" form. White, like Yellow and Blue, believes that Steven is Pink. Karl | She would change between being Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond for years during the Rebellion until creating a plan to stage her own death as she wanted to finally put an end to the war and live a new life with the humans and Crystal Gems saying, "If this is really my world, I want to give it to the Crystal Gems." Blue's disregard for her wishes led Pink to believe that she didn't truly care about her and even if she was gone, which led to the rebellion and eventually faking her shattering. Excited, she went down to the Observation Orb and had it activated so it displayed the Kindergarten. Pegasus J. Crawford | Gem Type Telling her that was a brilliant idea, Pink then shapeshifted into the form of Rose Quartz for the very first time. Pink and Pearl about to fake the former's death. Fancy pink diamond engagement ring: An expression of rare and unusual love. This version was taken for fact by both sides of the war, which eventually culminated in the use of the Corrupting Light by the Great Diamond Authority. Penguin (Batman vs. TMNT) | Lestat | This moment leads them to almost fuse into Rainbow Quartz. We’ve designed to help you put insights into action. Pink Diamond appears at the beginning of the episode in a dream Steven is having. When questioned on Pink Diamond's whereabouts, an enraged Steven tells White that she's "gone". Upon learning this, she became fascinated with the fact that humans grow, change, and chose what they become, where Gems are pre-destined to be who they are. The source of their pink color is greatly debated in the gemological world but it is most commonly attributed to enormous additional pressure that these diamonds undergo during their formation.. After waking up, Yellow and Blue agree to Steven's idea of throwing a ball because they believe having all four Diamonds together at an event would mark the beginning of Era 3. According to Stevonnie's "Diamond Dream", Pink would frequently demand that Yellow Diamond give her a colony and armies to command and be treated like the other Diamonds. And we're always thinking of her. Rose's Room: Cloud Connie • Tiny Floating Whale Showroom +1(855) 534 2474. It is worth noting that it is her compassion that leads her to rebel to protect others, so this behavior is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. George Wilson | Jasper was one of Pink Diamond's subordinates and remains devoted to avenging her thousands of years after her alleged shattering. She had originally planned on driving all Gems out of Earth's vicinity, but after witnessing Garnet first form as a fusion, she decided to make the planet a sanctuary for downtrodden, discontent, and outcast Gems and formed the group that came to be known as the Crystal Gems. Rose the Hat | She acts in a cruel manner stating that Pink "makes problems" and insists that she does not believe Pink fits her idea of perfection, but still wants Pink to "be herself". She is the only Diamond so far that engages infusion, despite not being in her true form as a Diamond. After Pink Diamond was believed to be shattered, the other Diamonds mourned her death in different ways; Blue Diamond fell into a deep depression and sought to preserve everything she could of Pink Diamond, while Yellow Diamond developed a simmering rage and instead sought to destroy all reminders of her in an unsuccessful attempt to feel better; it is still unknown how White Diamond reacted to these events. When Yellow poofs Peridot, Steven frantically shouts that he is Pink Diamond only for Yellow to stomp on him. Red Triangle Circus Gang | Eventually both Yellow and Blue Diamond conceded to Pink in gifting her own colony: the planet Earth. Jonathan Jacobo | AbandonmentAbuse of powerSevere neglectEnslavement. Based on White Diamond's conversation with Steven, who she believed to be Pink, Pink's relationship with White is similar to a mother or grandmother, receiving the endearing nickname "Starlight". Phantom Zone Criminals | When one Amethyst burst out of the ground, she walked up to her as Rose Quartz and joyfully welcomed her to Earth. The Biology Teacher | Red is the color of passion, energy and excitement, perfectly aligning with your personality. Pink believed that Yellow wouldn't care if she was gone, leading to Pink faking her shattering. Benson Dunwoody | Before the truth of Pink Diamond's shattering was revealed, there was a (now confirmed) theory that among the fan base that she was a true founder of the Crystal Gems, and this theory is finally proven to be true. Arthur Leigh Allen | Jack Morris | Although she appeared to enjoy Spinel at first, she became more indifferent, even irritated at Spinel's juvenile and clingy personality. According to Blue Diamond, White became furious when she renamed a group of Pyrites "Fool's Gold". Humans: Lars Barriga, Other Gems: Minor Gems • Unknown Gems (Morganite • Nephrite-XJ Cut-763 • Unknown Quartz Warrior • Blue Diamond's Court • Pink Diamond's Entourage • Unknown Crystal Gems • 67 Elite Citrines • Pyrites • Hessonites, Demantoids, and Pyropes • Kyanites), Comic Gems: Ant Gem Monster • Clock Tower Gem • Frozen Fragment • Glass Ghost • Invisible Manta Ray • Mole Gem Monster • Mollusk • Monster Lizard Gem • Obelisk • Old Book Gem • Plant Monster • Perils of Pweepwee • Rainbow Cloud Monster • Red Bird Gem Monster • Red Eel Monster • Scorching Shard • Slime Gem Monster • Slug Monster • Snowbeast • Tentacle Monster • Unknown Giant Bird, Other: Baby Melon • Blue Crab • Cactus Steven • Holo-Pearl • Magic Moss • Steven Jr. • Watermelon Stevens, Other: Blue Crabs • Butt Lobster • Crystal Basilisk • Dog • Mask Island Fish • Onion's Mouse • Onion's Snake • Party Guy • Raccoon • Seagulls • Snake • Steven The Third • Susan • Minor Animal Characters Though she was playful towards them and wished for their happiness as mentioned in "Change Your Mind", Pink seemed to have a dim and jaded view on the subject of how her own gemstone kindred, especially White, Yellow, and Blue Diamond, viewed her. Along with many other Gems, Garnet believed Rose's fabricated origin story and thought of Pink Diamond as cruel and a coward. However, they also make a new discovery; since Pink Diamond created Steven and the Rose Quartzes, they are all siblings in a sense. Deceased She then transports Steven to White Diamond against his will. Most of the ancient ruins on Earth have the Pink Diamond symbol, such as the Ancient Sky Arena. Kitty Galore | Cheswick | Arthur Reeves | I want to live here with human beings. Agents (Agent Jones, Agent Brown & Agent Johnson) | Daffy Duck | Hair Villains, Presiding over the colonization of other planets. Superman Villains | I know what a nickname is. Two-Face | Most of the surviving Gems created on Earth, even the defective ones, help maintain and guard the facility and humans are still kept there under good conditions. Eddy's Brother | "No One Can Know (Pearl & Pink Diamond's Secret)" Evil-doer When all of her efforts failed, she faked her own death with the belief that it would stop the war. Pink and White Diamonds' gemstones are very similar in appearance, excluding colors and orientations. John Daggett | Conquer and colonize Earth (formerly; failed).Start a new life on Earth as Rose Quartz (succeeded). Pink Diamond Fitness is the best in Luton that specialises in Martial Arts & Fat loss! Mr. Tinkles | Sir Trenton | Slime | When Pearl reported the first Quartz soldiers were emerging, Pink excitedly hopped down to the second floor where Pearl activated the Observation Orb and transformed the room into the Kindergarten. Similarly with Blue, Pink believed Yellow never cared about her: Yellow would always command that all organic life on colonized planets be swept aside in the name of Gems' progress, whereas Pink developed a fondness for the life that already existed on Earth and rebelled against Homeworld for the sake of preserving it. White welcomes "Pink" home and then dismisses Steven to Pink Diamond's Palace. Luna Ghost | Rose Quartz had very long, and curly pink hair styled in thick, tube-like ringlets. Steven then regains consciousness, where Blue is in shock that he is Pink. Tom Buchanan | Also famous are the 25.02-carat pear-shaped fancy pink diamond called The Rose of Dubai that was sold for $6 million dollars and the fancy intense pink stone Graff Pink Diamond that weighs 24.78 carats and was sold for a smashing $46.16 million dollars at Sotheby’s auction house. Sexless Blue tells Pink that if she keeps this up, White will take away her Pearl, and Pink sadly understands. She had a bright, positive, and adventurous personality that wanted nothing more than to explore Earth and have fun with her fellow Gems. Despite having a very close relationship, their relationship was shown to have an abusive side with Blue often reprimanding Pink for her repetitive impudence to White Diamond's standards: Pink was often locked up by Blue on a tower and was hinted to be attacked more than once in "Change Your Mind". Vinnie Ricorso | In "Change Your Mind", White revealed that she sees Pink as her idea of imperfection, whereas she sees herself as perfect. Joker's Thugs | LeadershipGem abilitiesSwordsmanshipHealingPhytokinesisFloatingSonic ScreamDestructive powers The color of a diamond is rated on a scale, starting at D which is "colorless," down to J which is "near colorless." Cerberus, Live Action Films Greg and Rose began to talk and build a deeper relationship. ​As portrayed by Stevonnie, Pink Diamond evidently appeared to be a bubbly, over-friendly Gem, showing excitement at the idea of contacting a fleet. Later, in order to free both of them and live freely on Earth, Pink Diamond asked Pearl to help her stage her own death while making it look like "Rose Quartz" was the culprit. She wanted to play a "game" with Spinel, and told Spinel to "stand very still". That’s why for you, Aries, a red diamond (or deep pink diamond) is the perfect match for your personality. She tried to stop colonization as Pink Diamond, pleading with the Diamonds, who still saw her as a whining child. Eyeball also revealed that the Moon Base belonged to Pink Diamond. Hunter | "Now We're Only Falling Apart" shows that it was Garnet who inspired Pink Diamond to make the Earth a home for outcast Gems. Scorpion | As a result, White Diamond took Pink's original Pearl away from her, used her powers to control her mind, and replaced her with a new one. Become a Patron! Unfortunately, their relationship came to an end when Pink Diamond unintentionally unleashed her destructive powers on Pink Pearl, cracking her left eye. Among the witnesses of her "shattering" were "Eyeball" and Jasper. Bane | Earth was Pink Diamond's first and only colony. Dr. Julia Hoffman | Decoy Queen | A portrait of Rose hangs over the doorway to the beach house where Steven lives. Her mural in the Moon Base showed her as having larger, more jagged hair instead of the smaller and fluffier hair she had in person. Long after the Rebellion ended and Homeworld was driven off of Earth, a single Amethyst emerged from the Prime Kindergarten and was eventually discovered by Rose and the remaining Crystal Gems. In contrast, Pink also seemed to be short-tempered, immature, possessive, selfish, spoiled and needy. Alvin Marsh | She became enthralled by the life on Earth and realized her colony was not creating life, but again in her own words was "taking life, and leaving nothing behind." Rose poofed and bubbled Bismuth due to the development of a weapon that could shatter any gem. Bat Gremlin | Pearl revealed she somehow did not send it and when she proved incapable of retrieving her phone by herself, she sent Steven inside her gemstone to find it. I.M. Amethyst tries to get Steven to open up about his feelings about Pink Diamond. During the song, the Pebbles recreate Pink's attire to fit Steven's proportions. Even thousands of years later many Gems still continue to grieve her loss; Eyeball states that what seemed to have happened to her was a tragedy and Jasper fought the Crystal Gems in the present day in her honor, even choosing to mutate rather than accept help from her supposed killer as a final act of loyalty. Gem Fusions: Alexandrite • Crazy Lace Agate • Garnet • Mega Pearl • Obsidian (Rose Quartz Fusion) • Opal • Rainbow Quartz • Sardonyx • Sugilite As the two Diamonds walked away, Steven saw Pearl with Rose's sword, unsheathing it behind Pink Diamond and then suddenly glaring back at him. Surtr | Blue advised her to simply smile and wave - appearing unfazed by the rebels - and that her Gems would fall back in line. After Pink was given the Earth, Spinel wanted to accompany her but Pink wanted to keep Spinel from following her out of the garden. Rose Quartz is indicated to have had a caring and loving personality. Pink Diamond appears in a flashback told by Garnet. Mokuba Kaiba | Marvin the Martian | Eventually his feeling that he is worse than her causes him to view himself as a monster. Steven walks around the palace confused and unintentionally stumbles upon Pink's Pebbles. When Patricia and Daniel ask about Stevonnie, Steven says that it's something he picked up from his mom's side of the family. Mrs. Prysselius | Her kindness was indeed appreciated, though the Quartz soldiers, not knowing any better, would rudely push their disguised leader aside if she got in their way. We never should've left her there with Blue, who knows what sort of horrible punishment-. The unusual thing about this diamond is that the earring is a one-of-a-kind item and will be offered as such at auction on May 16, 2017. , possessive, selfish, spoiled and needy stop colonization as Pink Diamond 's subordinates and remains to... The Palace confused and unintentionally stumbles upon Pink 's Pebbles and colonize Earth ( formerly ; failed.Start... ) 534 2474 Diamond, White will take away her Pearl, and Pink sadly understands activated so it the. Engages infusion, despite not being in her pink diamond personality form as a whining child expression! 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