Who has a right to equal pay. It is for the woman to select the man or men she wants to be compared with. A woman making an equal pay claim to the Employment Tribunal has to notify Acas first by completing a simple Early Conciliation notification form. Did you get the information you need from this page? If you like, you can tell us more about what was useful on this page. Employers with 250 or more employees must publish figures about their gender pay gap. The difference between the gender pay gap and equal pay . Check if you are carrying out risky practices that could lead to unequal pay; Carry out an equal pay audit (for large employers) or an equal pay review (for smaller employers); Take action to resolve any issues and protect against future claims The law on equal pay, and how men and women must get equal pay for doing equal work. Click here to view the note on the ACAS website. If you like, you can tell us more about what was useful on this page. We provide free and impartial advice for employers and employees, training and help resolve disputes. Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest advice for employers and employees. To make an equal pay claim, you’ll need to show your pay and conditions are worse than someone else’s (a 'comparator'). But getting paid more must be nothing to do with their sex. If you are paid less than a person of the opposite sex doing similar or equal work for the same or an associated employer (the comparator), you should be paid the same unless there is a good reason for the pay difference. Equal pay applies to: employees; workers; apprentices; agency workers; full time, part time or temporary contracts; self-employed people who are hired to personally do the work For example, a clerical job and a warehouse job might be classed as equal work. For example, you could ask someone of the opposite sex who does the same or similar work how much they earn. It is unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman. The Equality Act 2010 gives both women and men the right to equal pay for equal work, with women and men being legally entitled to be paid at the same rate for like work, work rated as equivalent, and work of equal value. For more on this, take a look at the Equal Pay Statutory Code of Practice. The ACAS website contains an advice and guidance note on equal pay. The time limit for bringing an equal pay claim is different to most employment claims. Time Limit – Contract Claims ... ACAS Early Conciliation – extension of the “normal” time limits for submitting claims. If you are not getting equal pay , i.e. What is equal pay and how can you find out if you are getting it? If this approach doesn’t work, you can raise the issue formally. Early Conciliation must be started within 3 months, less 1 day from the date of the complaint or issue. Time Limit – Unlawful Deductions from wages 3 months from date of the last deduction. Here you'll find information on equal pay for equal value, equal pay audits, comparable worth, equal pay law and case law. If the claim is for statutory redundancy pay or equal pay the timeframe is 6 months less 1 day. Acas has published new guidance to help employers and their staff understand the law around equal pay, to mark the 50 th anniversary of equal pay legislation being brough into force. It is the law and employers must follow it. The gender pay gap is calculated by taking all employees in an organisation and comparing the average pay between men and women. By contrast, equal pay looks at the difference in men and women’s pay for the same or similar work. If you lose an equal pay claim, you can be forced to carry out an equal pay audit and publish the results. Preventing equal pay issues; and, 3. If any circumstances only account for part of the difference in pay, someone might still have an equal pay case. The gender pay gap shows the differences in the You should talk to your employer to try and resolve the issue if you feel you’re not getting equal pay compared to someone who is all of the following: To help see if there’s an equal pay issue, you should check: You can ask your employer or manager for information about pay and contractual terms and conditions, if you think you have an equal pay case. This means someone must not get less pay compared to someone who is both: Equal pay law applies to pay and terms and conditions of employment, including: Equal pay law is covered by the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) statutory code of practice on equal pay. This could be  because the level of skill, training, responsibility or demands of the working conditions are of equal value, they're better qualified, if their skills are crucial to the job and hard to recruit, of where they are located – for example, in London where the cost of living is higher, they do night shifts, and the employer can prove that they can only cover night shifts by paying staff more. or. Find more advice on equal pay from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), does 'equal work' (work that equal pay law classes as the same, similar, equivalent or of equal value), your pay and how it’s made up so you can compare it with others – for example, how much basic pay, overtime or commission you get, pay and benefits for people of the opposite sex doing work you think is 'equal work' for your employer, how much people of the opposite sex who do the same or similar work as you earn, the contractual terms and conditions for people of the opposite sex who do the same or similar work as you, the reason for any differences in pay and terms and conditions, if there are any. This requires public authorities to have due regard to the need to: 1. eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; 2. advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic a… The three chapters cover: 1. If there’s an equal pay case, the employer might have to prove, for example, that the woman’s qualifications and skills are crucial for the job, and that they had difficulties hiring and keeping people in the job now done by the woman. Equal pay and gender pay gap reporting are not the same thing. This does not apply to employers with less than 10 staff, or employers less than 1 year old when the equal pay complaint was made. A legal framework requiring equal pay for equal work between men and women has been in place since 1970 yet there is still a significant gender pay gap: women who work full time in the public sector are paid on average 10 per cent less than men and that figure rises … Differences in pay and other terms and conditions might be allowed in some circumstances. The comparator must: be the opposite sex to you; do 'equal work' work for the same employer; More than one comparator can be used. If you have a question about your individual circumstances, call our helpline on 0300 123 1100. For example, your objectives and actions might demonstrate your commitment to: 1. employees to provide equal pay for equal work ( including basic pay, non-discretionary bonuses, and other contractual benefits) 2. discuss and agree the equal pay policy with trade unions 3. undertake regular equal pay reviews or audits for all employees in line with the Code of Practiceand repeat them at regular intervals and use the details to ad… Every case depends on the individual circumstances, and this can be a complex area so it’s best to: By law, employers must not pay an employee less, or give them terms and conditions that put them at a disadvantage, because of their disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or another 'protected characteristic'. This is known as raising a formal grievance. Did you get the information you need from this page? The gender pay gap differs from equal pay . - … The issue of equal pay can often be a tough subject to tackle. You might also be able to make a claim for sex discrimination, if you have been treated unfairly because of your sex. For the last 6 years a male colleague who worked in essentially the same role was being paid approximately over £10,000 more a year than her. Acas aims to contact you within two working days. A comparator can be someone who currently works for your employer, or someone who used to. ACAS also recommends employers carry out equal pay audits to check for equal pay issues and provides further guidance on its website for employers, based on the size of their organisation. Figures in Acas’ annual report revealed the number of equal pay claims received in 2007-08 more than doubled to reach 58,513 – up from 27,497 the previous year. It’s best to raise an issue informally first by talking to your employer. Find more advice on equal pay from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). A woman might get paid more than a man doing similar work because they’re better qualified and skilled for the job. This could be because the level of skill, responsibility and effort needed to do the work are equivalent, 'work of equal value' – work that is not similar but is of equal value. If you’re not able to resolve the problem with your employer, you might be able to make a claim to an employment tribunal for equal pay. work of equal value. Unfair dismissal accounted for 43,231 claims. Find out more about protected characteristics, discrimination and the law. Acas’s new advice covers the basics of equal pay law. Find out more about gender pay gap reporting (PDF, 552KB, 37 pages). Use this checklist and the following sections to achieve equal pay in your organisation. The Equal Pay Act 1970, as amended by the Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986, provides that a woman has the right to equal pay with a man working for the same employer if the woman is employed: on work of the same or broadly similar nature to that of her male comparator The equal pay act sets provisions for organisations to follow the same pay system.Under the Act, you must give men and women doing identical work, the same treatment. For example, you could ask for general information about: It’s best to talk to your employer first, if you feel you can, and then put your questions in writing. Equal pay has overtaken unfair dismissal for the first time as the most popular grounds for tribunal claims passed to Acas for conciliation. You can bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal at any time whilst you are still employed under the contract which is the subject of your complaint or within six months of the end of your employment. Please do not include any personal details, for example email address or phone number. Handling this subject incorrectly could leave organisations open to challenges of inequality in pay and pay discrimination. If you need help with an equal pay issue you can get: tailored support from Acas Key facts. If you have a question about your individual circumstances, call our helpline on 0300 123 1100. Time Limit – Equal Pay 6 months from the termination date. As employment relations experts, they can offer practical, independent and impartial help to bring pay systems … ... You might find it helpful to involve an external body such as Acas. The new guidance is aimed at employers to help them understand the law around equal pay. A gender pay gap is the average difference in pay between men and women, for example across an organisation. She can also claim equal pay … Acas is the workplace expert for England, Wales and Scotland. A full equal pay audit would include all employees in your organisation. This is known as ‘transparency’ and where equal pay is concerned, it is a legal requirement. ACAS ( www.acas.org.uk) The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) is a public body that provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on employment law and all aspects of workplace relations. You are at risk of an expensive employment tribunal case and reputational damage if you do not provide equal pay. Your employer can only give you general information about other people’s pay and terms and conditions. The comparator must: More than one comparator can be used. Issue: Equal pay – material factor defence. This is a complex area so it’s a good idea to get legal advice. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between . You could also ask others at work about their pay and benefits, if it’s about equal pay. Our client, Mrs P, had worked for her employer for over 10 years. Further help and support. The female claimants who worked as carers, care workers and school meals staff were paid 38% less than male staff working as street cleaners and gardeners. Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest advice for employers and employees. Comment Although ACAS’ guidance is not binding in law, it provides a good framework of the law relating to equal pay and useful recommendations on how to reduce the risk of equal pay claims. Since the act was passed it means men and women must get equal pay … Equal pay issues have not gone away following the EHRC decision on 24 March 2020 to suspend enforcement of gender pay gap reporting for the year 2019/20, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no upper or lower age limit on the right to claim equal pay, nor is there a qualifying period of service for bringing a complaint. What equal pay means As set out in the Equality Act 2010, men and women in the same employment performing equal work must receive equal pay, unless any difference in pay can be justified. Equal pay and the law; 2. By law, men and women must get equal pay for doing 'equal work' (work that equal pay law classes as the same, similar, equivalent or of equal value). More coming Find advice on our previous website for tips and gratuities at work . For example, it might be possible for someone to be paid more than someone of the opposite sex who does similar work because: Getting paid more must have nothing to do with someone’s sex. The equal pay provisions apply to both men and women, and are designed to achieve equality between men and women in pay and other terms of employment where the work of an employee and a comparator are equal. We cannot respond to questions sent through this form. Yet the Council had agreed that the work was comparable (and rated as … They’re allowed to tell you, but it’s up to them to decide if they want to. Notwithstanding the announcement by the Government Equalities Office and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on 24 March 2020 that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, enforcement of gender pay … Acas has published an advisory booklet Pay Systems, which provides an introduction They cannot share any personal details about other employees because of data protection law (UK GDPR). Equal Pay. From 1 st December 2020, ACAS Early Conciliation period is being extended as part of the process to simplify the Employment Tribunal claims process. To make an equal pay claim, you’ll need to show your pay and conditions are worse than someone else’s (a 'comparator'). Overview of equal pay under the Equality Act 2010. Acas training outlines employer responsibilities and provides best practices for job evaluation and approaches to payment structures. If you have any evidence at this stage, it’s a good idea to share it with your employer when you raise the issue. men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs. Please do not include any personal details, for example email address or phone number. To mark 50 years since the Equal Pay Act 1970 was passed, Acas have issued updated advice on equal pay including good practice guidance for employers on how to try to prevent discriminatory practices in their workplace.. People doing the same job or work of equal value should get the same or equal The equal pay provisions are not about what is fair but about sex equality. When a woman claims equal pay, she must compare her pay to a man who she believes is carrying out equal work but is being paid more for it, known as a 'comparator'. We cannot respond to questions sent through this form. Equal pay law is covered by the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) statutory code of practice on equal pay. Equal pay is about ensuring people with different protected characteristics are paid the same for like work, work rated as equivalent (under a job evaluation system), or work of equal value. Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 provides for the general public sector equality duty. Some jobs can be classed as equal work, even if the roles seem different. Acas will briefly explain Early Conciliation and ask you some basic questions about the claim. This note provides an overview of the law relating to equal pay under the Equality Act 2010 and Equal Pay Act 1970, with reference where appropriate to Article 157 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (formerly Article 141 of the EC treaty). Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) statutory code of practice on equal pay, EHRC statutory code of practice on equal pay, Find out more about protected characteristics, discrimination and the law, Find out more about gender pay gap reporting, performance-related pay, for example a bonus that's in the employment contract, benefits, for example gym membership or a company car, full time, part time or temporary contracts, self-employed people who are hired to personally do the work, 'like work' – work where the job and skills are the same or similar, 'work rated as equivalent' – work rated as equivalent, usually using a fair job evaluation. Select the statement you most agree with: Supporting mental health in the workplace, Dealing with a problem raised by an employee, Please tell us why the information did not help, I cannot find the information I'm looking for. Describe precisely how you intend to provide and maintain equal pay in your organisation. Select the statement you most agree with: Supporting mental health in the workplace, Dealing with a problem raised by an employee, Please tell us why the information did not help, I cannot find the information I'm looking for. Equal recompense applies to all contractual terms of employment and not only an employee’s salary. A comparator can be someone who currently works for your employer, or someone who used to. For example email address or phone number could also ask others at work about their gender pay gap calculated. Be able to make a claim for sex discrimination, if you are getting it on our previous for. Protected characteristics, discrimination and the law and employers must follow it equal! An expensive employment tribunal has to notify Acas first by completing a simple Early Conciliation must started! More on this, take a look at the equal pay is,. And where equal pay under the Equality and Human Rights Commission ( )... 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